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Mozart. My mother named her Mozart. I really don't know why, probably because she seen somewhere that someone named a big St.Bernard Beethoven.


It was The fall of 1994. My father had passed away on thankgiving weekend (on October 9), the family was in great grief (Myself probably the most) and we were pretty much learning to live with the loss. Mozart was the kitten of a stray cat that had given birth under our shed in the backyard. All the other kittens had left, or were lost, but Mozart just stayed under the shed, while her mother brought her food, and took care of her. We (my mother and I) known that the kitten was there, but just waited for it to venture out on it's own. 

We would see both the mother and Mozart come out from under the shed all the time during the month, and we would leave food out for them. On November 1st it began to snow, the kitten was still very small, and I told my mom that it would not survive the winter. So a plan was put into effect to capture the kitten. I found a large piece of flat wood, a blue plastic recycling box, a short stick and a looooong piece of string. Yup, your basic stick-propped box, pull the string and pull the stick away, box falls, kitty captured.

I placed the flat piece of wood outside and went back into the house for the bait, a fresh can of tuna cat food. I looked back outside and there's Mozart already sitting on the piece of wood, looking towards the house for whatever was going to happen. This was the first impression that this cat was strange. 

I went outside and instinctively the kitten took off back under the shed. So I put the can of food into the trap. Propped up the box with the stick, and led the string all the way to the house where I crouched and waited for what I thought would be a long time for the kitten to come out, thinking I was gone. Well it didn't take that long, about 5 minutes actually, seems the cat was pretty hungry and couldn't resist the can of tuna. So when the cat was under the box, I pulled the string and the box fell and trapped the cat. 

I brought the kitten into the house and it pretty much freaked out. It took off and hid in small dark corners of the house before finding the basement and making it it's home for about a month before venturing upstairs and being with us. When the spring finally came in, we had Mozart fixed, shots, and even an ID tattoo (inside of the ear in case she ever got lost).

Mozart was and is the thing that helped my mother and myself out through the death of my father. She is a crazy, strange and funny cat and will always be found at the side of my mother. When we are gaming downstairs, Mozart will venture down, and "listen" in on us for a while, then leave. All the players know and love Mozart.



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