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PRAYER, another word for
More things are wrought by prayer, than this world has ever dreamed of. Doubtless we have all heard that said some time or other.
As she drifted up through the clouds, the Earth receded into the distance. Coming through, from the surface several sparkling shafts of light, shot upwards into space, shadowy wisp like forms, seemed to dart from one shaft to another, in a rather frenzied manner. Sometimes a particular shaft of light would attract the attention of more than one light form. What's this? Betty asked, and was informed that those beams of light were in fact, the result of prayers from people on the Earth, and the ones that received extra attention, were those of a mother for her child. You could read this account and many others like these from Betty Aedie's absorbing book 'EMBRACED BY THE LIGHT'. This is an account of Betty's experiences when she 'died' on the operating table of a hospital. This is a fascinating book, and a MUST for those of us who are interested in our real selfs. Today's motivators, urge us to tell ourselves 'nothing is impossible, if we want it, we CAN get it'. Right? However our 'enlightened' friends laugh, 'if you start talking to your self,'... well, that's not a good sign. But that does not deter our great motivational speakers, they still get results.

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let's turn on that powerful COMMUNICATOR!

Jennifer Higgins a single mother who worked as a part-time cleaner had just been informed by her boss, that the recession was really hurting him, and he did not have any more work for her. Jenny was very depressed, and as she found her way home, her mind whispered a heartfelt prayer to Jesus, to help her find a suitable job soon. As she turned the corner into her street, an elderly lady stopped her, and handed her a little note. Jennifer was too engrossed in her thoughts, to read it straight away, so she put it in her pocket, and thanked the old lady. When she reached home, she took out the paper from read it. It had an address on it, nothing else. Not knowing what to do, she looked up the number from the telephone directory, and rang it. After a brief discussion over the phone as to the identity of the old lady, Jenny decided to visit the address, which was just around the corner from where she lived. As she stood at the open front door, a picture caught her eye. "That's the lady," she blurted out pointing to the portrait on the wall. 'That lady' turned out to be the long dead grandmother of Judy, the person who opened the door to Jenny. It didn't take long to work it all out. Judy was dying of cancer, and needed someone to look after the house and her young daughter, for her. She had spent many hours praying to get someone trustworthy to give the job to. Jennifer just had to be that person, after all her own grandmother had picked her, hadn't she? Or was it Jesus, who did? Peter heard the confusion upstairs, his wife Sonia and their son John were having a right royal fight, things were being thrown around, and as Peter hurried upstairs, he whispered, "Please Jesus, calm him down, place you hand on him, and please let peace return to this home". He was quite shaken at this outburst from 18 year old John. As he reached the kitchen from where all the noise was coming, John stopped screaming, and stared at his dad, he then ruffled his hair, as if trying to knock something off it, and sullenly went away to his own room. Peace had returned, and it did seem that someone, or something had touched John's head. Coincidence? Maybe, the same coincedence that helps our motivational speaker get his results. If it's this easy to get such spectacular coincidence, then I’ll have them any day! After all He did say whatever you ask the 'Father in my name', you will receive. There were no conditions, no ifs or buts, so why not ask. One thing we must realise, though, no time was factored in. We will get our request, but only when the TIME IS RIGHT! Edgar Cayce once said, that whatever our heart is set on starts drawing towards us. It may take days, or it may take years, but today's thoughts are definitely tomorrow's realities.