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Over the last 50 years or so, there has been an unprecedented increase in the number of decent, intelligent people from all over the world, who appear to quite unexpectedly "receive" messages from extraterrestrial sources. Among the best known and loved of these contactees, is Tuella. We heard of her in one of our earlier pages. According to her contacts, life on planet Earth is due for major upheavals in the not too distant future. Edgar Cayce, my favourite psychic, in his "readings" involving "Earth changes" speaks along the same lines, only thing, since he was so spiritually oriented, he told us that the magnitude of the changes, depended upon the overall spirituality of the human race at the time.


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If we follow this thread back to Biblical times, we encounter a man named Lot, and his family. They received a visit from "strangers" who Lot recognised as being messengers from god. These messengers, or "angels" as they were called at that time, gave Lot an uncomfortably similar message, ie due to the type of life led by the inhabitants of the twin cities of Sodom and Gommorah, these two cities would be destroyed. Now, whether there's any truth in this, whether these cities were indeed destroyed or not, is not the point, circumstantial evidence does appear to suggest that these "warnings" or whatever we may call them, seem to come from the same source, whether they come through Tuella, Cayce, or the Bible. Add to all the above, similar accounts from other religious scriptures, and we have a very compelling sonario. There are just too many accounts, from too many, and too diversified fields, for us to ignore them. Disregard them, and we run the risk of getting entangled in the web of skeptism.
Were Lot's "visitors" and Tuella's contacts, the same beings. If that's the case, then the biblical angels were real. Tuella refers to her contacts as ethereal beings of light. I suppose we could describe angels the same way. So maybe they are one and the same. In fact, Tuella does claim that archangel Michael is directly involved with the 'Ashtar Command', the association with which her contacts claim to belong to.
Does all this sound too much to swallow? I found it too much myself, but after reading Ruth Montgomery's books (which I recommend you to do too), in which she confirms the existence of that Ashtar Command, I tend to put a bit more credence to Tuella's work. That's not hard to do, because there is something about it that makes you sit up and take notice.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating, they say, so does all this information, make one a better person? Most of my very good "Christian" friends, tell me, (without reading the works I mentioned, I must add) that all this is the work of the devil, and ‘dear Peter, please stay away from all that rubbish!. Now that is just what certain factions would want every one to do, for after all there are none so blind as those who WILL NOT see. Most of those whom I have come across who have opened their minds to all the above, have been drawn much closer to GOD. Yes my friends, after coming in touch with the works of Edgar Cayce, Ruth Montgomery, Tuella, and the likes, something changes inside, something that opens yourself to the greater realities of life, and in doing so draws one closer to the SOURCE of it all. Closer to God Himself!