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Home Dream-king Tempest Pilgrimage Stray Cosmic Jokes Anam Cara


i tap my feet in rhythm with the clock's tiny hands
most would think i was impatient
but i am only tapping my feet

sitting on this well-worn fence
watching the floods sweep away 
scenes and stages and backdrops

my legs get speckled with mud 
and rainwater that usually tasted of tears
spatter me, the observer, feigning immunity

stars die before me, blazing sadly into the sea
extinguished by misplaced hope
crushed by too-passionate expectations

i take hints and cues and notes
mumbling "i thought so"
like a litany

all in all, there have also been too many
occasions for laughter
i have amassed volumes of cosmic jokes

one day, I was laughing too hard
i fell.


i will choose not to love you
if only because I know I cannot trust myself
not to dream

you see, I require certain
illusions every day
i am afraid you might… bore me 

i need to be fed with light
so brilliant that I am not afraid
to face my shadows

sometimes I do wonder if loving you
is somehow a way out, a trick question
posed by the universe

i always end up
shrugging my shoulders, and saying
i want to believe it… but i can't.


the autumn season jerked awake,
naked arms stretching,
thin fingers creeping across
freshly-fallen leaves
rustling long-dormant fires

just once, it whispered 
in a voice still to gather strength,
just one little thing,
a stone,
a tiny poem,
a flower
left in secret
a treat, a trick,
for old times' sake

maybe, i thought
when i have loosened some
of the fear that has encrusted
my soul for months
i will go and gather
the last autumn flowers
and offer them anonymously
like to an unmarked grave

but there will be
no looking back this time
no looking forward
there will only be
that perfect moment
to honor the ghosts
of loves past.


i believe
we are all pieces of one god
puzzles scattered like stars

i am a question
you, perhaps are a possibility of an answer,
or is it the other way around?

i have visited you
did you even feel 
the ripple of my intrusion?

maybe not, you assumed i was
simply one of those dreams spilling over
one another, lost

dreams sometimes able to seep 
into consciousness,
sometimes thick enough to be tangible

dreams like this thing i claim to be love
(because i have long forgotten,
what it was supposed to be)

we are old pieces
trying to fit in, i think i'm done trying,
enough cutting corners of myself

i will sit here now, simply a question,
a possibility, a shining stone on a path,
no longer waiting.

star signs

we are Stories
walking, and everything and everyone
is a chapter weaved in
--- carelessly, gracefully,

unless the Stars decree otherwise
it is pointless to rewrite
what has been finished,
scrawled across the skies,
echoing with finality

yet sometimes, so rarely,
a Soul is allowed a Boon
and the stars would give up
their rightful places
to form new constellations

we all watch closely
wishing we will get to cast the dice
to be an exception to the countless rules,
an aberration,
an excuse.

i ii iii iv

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