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Home Dream-king Tempest Pilgrimage Stray Cosmic Jokes Anam Cara

I am grateful to the people who have inspired these poems, for the parts they played in my Stories, and the paths they have helped to shape.

poems for the dream-king (1997-1999)

tempest poems (1999-2000)

pilgrimage poems (2000)

stray poems covers more than five years of writing. It is composed mostly of poems occasionally born in an outbreath, without provocation, or triggered by an almost inconsequential thing. Or sometimes the poems were born out of a false beginning, or a false ending.

cosmic jokes is a recent collection and happened during a most interesting period in my strange life, a period which suspiciously consisted of episodes closely resembling that of a certain tv series about love triangles and such Things.

anam cara is a coming home. finally. from the brokenness of being un-chosen to the breakthrough of being Recognized.

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