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Reflections in the Mirror


An All Too Well Known Pain


Bottled Up

Do Not Cry

Do You Know Me

Missing You



Sweet Bird

The Mirror


What Am I

Without You


Forbidden Pleasures

The Mirror

Tricky are the reflections
Of polished glass
For it is not despair
Which the mirror reveals
But that is what your eyes tell you
Your mind refuses the magnificence
That radiates with vivacity and adoration
When your superlative image appears
It dilutes your soul with self doubt
And unbearable desolation
Your heart has been so thrashed
By the arrogant misuse of
A pompous child playing
The role of a man
That it can no longer see
The how extremely priceless
And exceptional you truly are
This is the image which the mirror
So desperately reflects to you
Silently pleading you to realize
What it has known from your first
Appearance into the burnished glass
That you are by far the closest thing
To perfection in the entire history
Of the universe
All the treasures in the world
Pale in comparison to your
Exquisite beauty and splendor
You are a diamond in the rough
Shining so brilliantly
That I cannot pull my gaze
From your wonderment
I am entranced by your radiance
And it is for this reason
That I would dedicate my soul
To you without hesitation
I would be yours if it was
Only your wish
I would love you forever