Denizens Land Mystic Historic Government

This long conversation is what I miss when everyone's away... Intelligence. Not to mention the fact that hey, it's the person I admire most in my whole school. Ah, life. I wish a conver like this happened every day.

Random Conversation

crazydude3141: Hey!
Rion Soulkeeper: Hey mon
Rion Soulkeeper: Whatcha been up to?
crazydude3141: I didn't know you'd be back yet
crazydude3141: nothing much
crazydude3141: how was the wedding?
Rion Soulkeeper: Quite Mormon
crazydude3141: ah
crazydude3141: okay
Rion Soulkeeper: but, other than that, very nce
crazydude3141: cool
Rion Soulkeeper: the bride's dress looked like a sack
crazydude3141: what've you been up to?
crazydude3141: lol
crazydude3141: potatoe or grocery?
Rion Soulkeeper: burlap
Rion Soulkeeper: except white
crazydude3141: that works
Rion Soulkeeper: and long
crazydude3141: lol
Rion Soulkeeper: I'm inventing my second, more phoneic, alphabet.
Rion Soulkeeper: ^phonetic
crazydude3141: really
crazydude3141: why do you say "more phonetic"
Rion Soulkeeper: because the first one was not as phonetic as this one is.
crazydude3141: do you mean, it is less dependent on its the basic latin-based alphebetical system
crazydude3141: ?
Rion Soulkeeper: um, in a way
crazydude3141: or, just more like IPA
Rion Soulkeeper: it's more organized than IPA and has fewer symbols that mean more, because of the way I'm symbolizing consonants that are the same but voiced and unvoiced Rion Soulkeeper: like p and b
crazydude3141: hmm. E-mail it to me when you figure it out
crazydude3141: that sounds interesting
Rion Soulkeeper: I'll scan it now, if you want
crazydude3141: you've finished it?
Rion Soulkeeper: mostly
Rion Soulkeeper: just adjusting for appearance, now
Rion Soulkeeper: I'd love your feedback
crazydude3141: you've barely been out of school 2 weeks and you've almost completely composed a new alphabet
crazydude3141: sure, I'd love to see it
Rion Soulkeeper: I started a couple hours ago
crazydude3141: only you Ryan.
crazydude3141: a few hours ago, I was at the library (for the first time in at least 4 years).
crazydude3141: sorry, random though
crazydude3141: *thougth
Rion Soulkeeper: I haven't been to a library in Houston yet.... except for the Rice one for my eighth grade History Fair project
crazydude3141: *thought
crazydude3141: that's cool
Rion Soulkeeper: I like the Rice library
crazydude3141: I just wanted to see if I could find CD recordings of operas since I need to study over the summer for Quiz Kids
crazydude3141: yea, but I thought it was being renovated right now
Rion Soulkeeper: I dunno
Rion Soulkeeper: The new Management building is almost done
crazydude3141: cool
Rion Soulkeeper: I live a block away from campus, so I keep up with it
crazydude3141: I wish
crazydude3141: I have to drive half an hour if there's no traffic
Rion Soulkeeper: geeze
crazydude3141: yea
crazydude3141: anyway
crazydude3141: how's life been treatin ya?
Rion Soulkeeper: Uh... well, I've been kinda down for the last three weeks
crazydude3141: why?
Rion Soulkeeper: Um.
crazydude3141: that's very in-depth
crazydude3141: come on, why?
Rion Soulkeeper: Well, it's the same reason I sat moping around the entry at school during 8th and 9th period the last few days.
crazydude3141: I was wondering about that
Rion Soulkeeper: you were?
Rion Soulkeeper: why?
crazydude3141: I just wondered what the deal was. I figured it was probably cause symphony was disbanding since the year was over, but, I just wondered.
crazydude3141: so, why have you been kinda down?
Rion Soulkeeper: Well, it was rather more personal than just the end of Symphony. Hearing the Tchaikovsky helped, but no.
crazydude3141: Well?
crazydude3141: what's wrong
Rion Soulkeeper: It's mostly loneliness.
Rion Soulkeeper: Or, directed, person-specific loneliness.
crazydude3141: what do you mean
Rion Soulkeeper: Isn't that clear?
crazydude3141: well, I figure you're saying you like someone, but, I prefer not to make assumptions
crazydude3141: they can lead to misunderstandings
Rion Soulkeeper: That was a pretty reasonable assumption.
crazydude3141: still
crazydude3141: I'm sorry
crazydude3141: do they know?
Rion Soulkeeper: (image)
Rion Soulkeeper: not really.
Rion Soulkeeper: excuse my terrible handwriting
crazydude3141: it's okay
crazydude3141: I put it in paintbrush, so I can enlarge anything that's unclear.
crazydude3141: besides, it's better than my writing
Rion Soulkeeper: ha
crazydude3141: why, in the left column, do you have each character repeated?
Rion Soulkeeper: the right, too
Rion Soulkeeper: one is in pen, one in pencil
crazydude3141: ah
crazydude3141: okay
Rion Soulkeeper: it looks better in pen
crazydude3141: it seems to have been picked up better by the scanner
Rion Soulkeeper: yeah, but it doesn't go very fine, a fountain pen
crazydude3141: true
Rion Soulkeeper: I scanned in B&W. It'd probably show up better in grayscale
crazydude3141: no, it's fine
crazydude3141: what's that written in the lower left corner?
Rion Soulkeeper: no voiced version, heavy aspirate, light aspirate?
Rion Soulkeeper: the examples are Houston and chutzpah
crazydude3141: sorry, I meant lower right (I do that sometimes, sorry)
Rion Soulkeeper: ah. it says (in the alphabet):
Rion Soulkeeper: Looks a lot better in pen than in pencil
crazydude3141: lol
crazydude3141: okay
crazydude3141: I mistook a "k" sound for a "th" sound.
crazydude3141: I didn't think "looths" quite worked............
Rion Soulkeeper: ha
Rion Soulkeeper: oughta be a new word
crazydude3141: lol
Rion Soulkeeper: the TH is kind of ambiguous
Rion Soulkeeper: maybe I should change it
crazydude3141: it's up to you
crazydude3141: the scanner probably made it less obvious than it would be on paper
Rion Soulkeeper: true
Rion Soulkeeper: I'll just make it a little more defined.
crazydude3141: I didn't see anything that related to the germanic "ichlaut" or "achlout", did you mean this primarily as an english-based system or universal?
crazydude3141: okay
Rion Soulkeeper: the aspirates can stand in for actual ich and ahs.
crazydude3141: true
Rion Soulkeeper: H is sometimes used as an ichlaut.
crazydude3141: I didn't think of that
Rion Soulkeeper: and the heavy aspirate is just like an achlaut.
Rion Soulkeeper: there's also an umlat
crazydude3141: you're right, your alphabet is better organized than IPA
Rion Soulkeeper: &laut
Rion Soulkeeper: I like the voiced and unvoiced consonant idea
Rion Soulkeeper: they really are the same things, if you try them
Rion Soulkeeper: b and p
crazydude3141: yea, I was playing with that a minute ago, after you first mentioned it.
crazydude3141: what made you think of that?
Rion Soulkeeper: Um
Rion Soulkeeper: I think being called on diction in all my choir classes sort of inspired it
crazydude3141: cool
Rion Soulkeeper: like substituting voiced for unvoiced, in order to projct more
Rion Soulkeeper: I discovered they were the same,
Rion Soulkeeper: and it went from there.
Rion Soulkeeper: I had to find which ones corresponded, but it's not hard if you think about it
crazydude3141: true
Rion Soulkeeper: My other alphabet, which I think you have a copy of, is not nearly as organized. Rion Soulkeeper: Therefore, it will be the mainstream alphabet of the dominant culture
crazydude3141: lol
crazydude3141: of course
crazydude3141: organization never wins out
Rion Soulkeeper: nope
Rion Soulkeeper: And the organized one will be used by the arts, sciences, and magics.
crazydude3141: cool
Rion Soulkeeper: I think it's prettier, too.
crazydude3141: yes
crazydude3141: it's more original, as well
crazydude3141: it seems less based on our alphabet
Rion Soulkeeper: well, the first one is supposed to be descended from the Roman alphabet
crazydude3141: yea, I figured
Rion Soulkeeper: The story is that Ailuria was colonized by crazy ailurophilic genius genetic engineers and telepaths escaping from the human supremacy of Terra. Rion Soulkeeper: I have a whole site dedicated to it.
Rion Soulkeeper: Not much about the language, though.
crazydude3141: cool
crazydude3141: ever consider writing stories about it?
Rion Soulkeeper: Oh, I have. The first three chapters of my novel and a couple short stories and a whole bunch of concept emails.
crazydude3141: aws
Rion Soulkeeper: The most interesting things, which helped make the site, are the email correspondences I had with Tralfy, who helped me think out the evolutions.
Rion Soulkeeper: aws?
crazydude3141: "awesome"
Rion Soulkeeper: ah
crazydude3141: or (if you take the original meaning ) "awful"
Rion Soulkeeper: Yeah.
Rion Soulkeeper: I wonder how that came to have bad connotations?
crazydude3141: I don't know
crazydude3141: also "artificial" which orginally meant "crafty" or "artistic"
crazydude3141: who knows?
Rion Soulkeeper: Well, I get the second one
Rion Soulkeeper: Natural is in these days
Rion Soulkeeper: You can't be fashionable if you made it yourself.
crazydude3141: true
crazydude3141: everything is 'mass produced'
crazydude3141: blah
Rion Soulkeeper: Yeah.
crazydude3141: i still prefer stitching it myself
Rion Soulkeeper: Me too. I finished one of my boots te other day
crazydude3141: cool
Rion Soulkeeper: Mama's gonna teach me to use the sewing machine, someday
Rion Soulkeeper: then it'll be easier.
crazydude3141: yea, that would help
Rion Soulkeeper:
Rion Soulkeeper: there.
Rion Soulkeeper: Go cruise.
crazydude3141: ok
crazydude3141: thanx
Rion Soulkeeper: Sure.
Rion Soulkeeper: You're one of the few people I'd trust to have reasonable feedback.
crazydude3141: thank you
Rion Soulkeeper: You could probably tell me whatever's wrong with the layout, too.
crazydude3141: umm, layout's not my specialty
Rion Soulkeeper: well no, but that doesn't mean you don't have an opinon
crazydude3141: I'm good at coding the things people don't see. I prefer not to handle the actual interface
crazydude3141: true, but it does mean my opinion isn't all that valid
Rion Soulkeeper: Not necessarily.
Rion Soulkeeper: You can have aesthetic taste without being an artist.
crazydude3141: you'd be surprised
Rion Soulkeeper: Oh?
crazydude3141: by the way, the illustration of the "subterranean M'ae" has supposedly spontaneously combusted.
Rion Soulkeeper: Nope. Just haven't drawn it yet.
crazydude3141: that works too
Rion Soulkeeper: Like the illustrations?
crazydude3141: yes
Rion Soulkeeper: I'm glad.
crazydude3141: Hey, you're talking to someone who's lucky to create a half-decent stick figure. what's not to like?
Rion Soulkeeper: Ha
Rion Soulkeeper: Oh, some people are purists.
crazydude3141: okay, you lost me
Rion Soulkeeper: Where?
crazydude3141: "purists"?
Rion Soulkeeper: Don't accept any art as valid if it doesn't have a background or isn't in a specific genre
crazydude3141: that seems extremely closed-minded
Rion Soulkeeper: well, people are like that.
crazydude3141: true
Rion Soulkeeper: Ha, it's so nice to talk to someone who agrees with me or has a reason and a backup argument if he doesn't.
crazydude3141: lol
crazydude3141: We tend to think fairly the same way
crazydude3141: it is nice
Rion Soulkeeper: Yeah. It's unusual, too.
Rion Soulkeeper: I get so frustrated with stupidity or parochiality.
crazydude3141: true
crazydude3141: unfortunately, they are both extremely prevalent in humanity
Rion Soulkeeper: Unfortunately.
Rion Soulkeeper: Ha; you're into the invisible code, you'd probably enjoy the conceptualization and making of this thing more than the actual result.
crazydude3141: yea, that's more my style
Rion Soulkeeper: You'd have been a big help if I had known you before I started.
crazydude3141: that would have been fun
Rion Soulkeeper: Of course, there are still a zillion details I haven't worked out.
Rion Soulkeeper: There's still time!
crazydude3141: true!!
crazydude3141: Jenn says hi
Rion Soulkeeper: Hi Jenn.
Rion Soulkeeper: She over there?
crazydude3141: no, she's on the phone
Rion Soulkeeper: ah
crazydude3141: she just called for a sec
crazydude3141: she's babysitting
Rion Soulkeeper: Hm.
Rion Soulkeeper: I need some money. I should get a job.
crazydude3141: what kinda job ya thinking of?
Rion Soulkeeper: Heh; never thought very far.
Rion Soulkeeper: Foodservice, chores maybe?
Rion Soulkeeper: Something musical would be nice.
crazydude3141: musical is good
Rion Soulkeeper: yes indeedy
crazydude3141: I can't really see you getting into foodservice
Rion Soulkeeper: I can.
crazydude3141: really?
Rion Soulkeeper: Yeah.
Rion Soulkeeper: Mama says it was fun when she did it.
Rion Soulkeeper: It's good money.
Rion Soulkeeper: Sometimes.
crazydude3141: what exactly are you referring to when you say "food service"
crazydude3141: just to make sure we're on the same page
Rion Soulkeeper: Waitressing, maybe a bit of cooking.
crazydude3141: No, I can't see you as a waitress.
crazydude3141: although, I've been proven wrong many a time before
Rion Soulkeeper: My school persona is rather different from how I am away from authority, as you discovered at Jillian's
crazydude3141: true
crazydude3141: Why is that, by the way?
Rion Soulkeeper: I'm not sure.
crazydude3141: you don't like authority, do you?
Rion Soulkeeper: I don't have the opportunity to be silly much at school, because there's always something to do.
Rion Soulkeeper: Not usually.
crazydude3141: true
Rion Soulkeeper: Especially if it's arbitrary.
crazydude3141: That's probably where we're the most different; I like a very structured environment, with an established higherarchy. I like the group itself to be small enough that everyone is comfortable enough with each other that sticking to the rulebook isn't an absolute necessity, but I like order. (I really like it when I'm at the top of that higherarchy, but, anyway........)
crazydude3141: I'm an authoritarianistic democrat, if that makes any sense
Rion Soulkeeper: Hmmm.
Rion Soulkeeper: I like order, but I don't like authority.
crazydude3141: I really like democracy, because I don't like taking orders, but at the same time I don't like everyone else having the opporitunity to mess with what I'm doing
Rion Soulkeeper: I think hierarchy is probably a good idea, if it has a reason.
crazydude3141: yea
Rion Soulkeeper: Although I think anarchy would work if everyone had a little sense and kept to himself.
crazydude3141: that unto itself presents a problem since humans are inherently senseless
Rion Soulkeeper: Exactly.
Rion Soulkeeper: I think capitalism itself could be a pretty good government, letting the market decide what is necessary and what is stupid.
crazydude3141: ah, but that is essentially the nature of American Democracy, since, inevitably, only the "financially sound" ever have the opporitunity to take office.
Rion Soulkeeper: Yes, but.
crazydude3141: I like the ending-of-the-sentence-with-a-contraction bit.
Rion Soulkeeper: contraction?
Rion Soulkeeper: you mean preposition?
crazydude3141: yea, that thing
crazydude3141: I'm tired, don't get me started
Rion Soulkeeper: Ahk.
Rion Soulkeeper: How did you hear about that?
crazydude3141: about what?
Rion Soulkeeper: My obsession with not ending a phrase with a preposition?
crazydude3141: I didn't, I was being stupid
crazydude3141: Sorry, even I am occasionally consumed by my human nature
Rion Soulkeeper: What were you referring to?
crazydude3141: Yes, but.
Rion Soulkeeper: That's not even a preposition, it's a conjunction.
crazydude3141: that's the word crazydude3141: thank you
Rion Soulkeeper: I had a big discussion with Mr. Gibson about his ending a phrase (not a sentence) with the word "to". I thought it might have gotten around.
crazydude3141: I don't have to think about english, except in the theoretical sense, for another 2 and 1/2 months
crazydude3141: no, I didn't hear about that
Rion Soulkeeper: I like to think about English.
Rion Soulkeeper: It's math I don' t have to think about.
crazydude3141: lol
crazydude3141: I like to think about the theoretical side of English
crazydude3141: not the side they teach you in class
Rion Soulkeeper: What do you mean, theoretical? Like etymology?
crazydude3141: no, that would be more historical
Rion Soulkeeper: yeah........
crazydude3141: I'm talking more about the actual construction of the language. Well, yea, I suppose you could call my focus etymology since my favorite area of language centers around the way languages evolve; ie. how they develop and change.
crazydude3141: I'm an evolutionary linguist
Rion Soulkeeper: Me too, coincidentally.
Rion Soulkeeper: That's one reason I love Latin so much.
crazydude3141: true, it is the root of most of the prevalent modern languages
Rion Soulkeeper: And it's so much better organized than most.
crazydude3141: Well, you have to consider that the rest of them developed after the fall of the Roman Empire, and were generally the result of misuse of the original language by the uneducated classes.
Rion Soulkeeper: Yesyes.
Rion Soulkeeper: Italian is bad Latin]
crazydude3141: That's a recipe for disorder if I've ever seen one
Rion Soulkeeper: Spanish is bad Latin
Rion Soulkeeper: Portuguese is bad Italian
crazydude3141: English is bad latigermanic
Rion Soulkeeper: yeah
crazydude3141: or, Latigerman, really
crazydude3141: but yes
Rion Soulkeeper: And I took German, too.
crazydude3141: really
Rion Soulkeeper: I don't like it as much.
crazydude3141: it's ugly
Rion Soulkeeper: It is, but that's not why I don't like it
crazydude3141: why?
Rion Soulkeeper: it's somewhat like English, kind of syncretistic. It's not a pure original language. I'm not saying Latin is, but it's more so, and I'm not saying syncretistic languages are bad (they're definitely more useful and precise and nuanced), but, stylistically, I like organized simplicity.
crazydude3141: I agree whole-heartedly
Rion Soulkeeper: You can say that as one word.
crazydude3141: really
Rion Soulkeeper: wholeheartedly, not I agree.
crazydude3141: oh, okay
Rion Soulkeeper: In Latin, I agree is one word.
crazydude3141: well, yea
crazydude3141: in all latin-related languages the pronoun is implied by the conjugation
Rion Soulkeeper: root and ending tell everything.
Rion Soulkeeper: I love that.
Rion Soulkeeper: I wonder why English doesn't have obvious conjugations?
crazydude3141: we live with a primarily germanic language.
Rion Soulkeeper: German has them too, but not to the same extent.
Rion Soulkeeper: although they have gendered articles.


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