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undefined Like an anorexia life

I love you to the bones



cutting/self mut.


The thinner the winner

Anorexia Nervosa was started to become known as that around the 1960's. Although, cases of this have been present throughout history. During the middle ages, girls used to starve themselves for no reason. St. Catherine was known to be pure, and gave her food that she didnt eat to the poor. Many girls throughout the ages had starved for religeous reasons. However, as many know, when the models became very thin in the 60's, thats when the focus on girls was extreme.

One myth about anorexia is that all anas never eat. God i hate this one. Some anas do some dont purge. Its strange. But there is a purging type anorexia, ive read about. So like its weird.

I will keep adding to this page, jus need to get the foundation up first