What goes down must come up
Bulimia Nervosa is one of the newer eating disorders. However, according to Seventeen magazine (or YM) in some college campuses more and more girls are comming home on vaca as bulimics. Bulimia is mainly seen as binging and purging. Don't be fooled tho, bulimics can try to starve themselves.
Mia's are one of the more predjudiced against in eating disorders, b/c many people think anas are just nuts, but mias are wasteful w/e. My mum always says she doesnt wanna buy me food that im jus gonna throw up ne ways.....
Binge: Eating a shit load of food in a little time. A binge isnt jus eating a fair amount casualy w/ friends, you know its a binge when u black out, and come to your senses with ur hand in a jar of penut butter, wondering where all the empty wrappers came from......
purge: The act of getting rid of what has been eatin......by means of exercising, vomiting, or laxatives. Purges can be as frequent as 1 time a week, to as many as 30-40 times a day....ouch
I will add more to this page, im jus tryin to get the basics down first, keep checkin back!
Good/bad to purge
Mia Tips