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Self injury

Dont hate my cuts






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Yes, another opening paragraph. This is on cutting/self mutulation. SI is anything you do to intentionally harm yourself. Such as head banging, biting, cutting, amputation, castration, hair pulling, bonebreaking, joint twisting ect.

As many know, jus b/c someone is a cutter, doesnt mean that they are dangerous/suicidal. They jus wanna be heard. We dont do it for attention, we dont do it to die (not necessarily all the times) but its a way to cope. It jus makes u feel better, liek a euphoria, very unexplainable. Except mayb a mia would know, its like the feeling u get after a good purge

There are different degrees os SI, the worst being limb amputation, castration, eye gouging ect. Sounds very very painful

I will post more Underconstruction

Cutting 101