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[Synopsis] [Prologue] [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4]


     The darkness of the stone gray room masked a solemn figure. Before an ancient alter, the Arch User stood in silent prayer. With her head bowed and eyes closed Tara raised her hands in reverent respect. Desperate for a answer, the High One fought to control her breathing. With the prayer completed, the woman dressed in pale blue robes trimmed in silver studied the silver and gold inlaid altar. Not knowing if her prayer again went unanswered, Tara started to leave the inner sanctuary.
     A gray fog swirled around the altar. Feeling the Dream Master's presence Tara paused. Within the fog a distorted voice spoke.
     "High One, the time hath come. Those thou requirest hath been found. Before the end of the Festival of the Red-black Moon, they shall arrive to do thy bidding. Prepare thy realm for the arrival of mortal kind."
     Tara's pale blue robes fluttered slightly in the swirling fog. Acknowledging the messengers command, the Arch User bowed in obedience. Now after so many cycles, the Dream Master was to summon those with the birth knowledge to succeed.
     Knowing nothing that slept could resist the Dream Master's calling, Tara, matriarch of Quasta mentally ordered preparations completed before the next lunar turn. The High One masked her thoughts before reentering natural light. Though protected within Qusta. she could feel the presence of Darcon.

[Synopsis] [Prologue] [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4]