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The Poetry of R.D. Ingram

This page has a selection of poetry which will periodically be updated and expanded as this site grows. There are currently six poems for your reading enjoyment ranging from whimsical to spiritual, all in the traditional form.

"Come" - A poem about nature's beauty.

"A Parent's Guide" - A guide to child rearing.

"The Sands of Time" - Words to live by.

"Of Secret Things" - The secret world of dreams.

"The Summons" - The poem contained in Return of the Maji

"I'm Tired Now" - A poem about third shift life.

Fanciful Worlds of R. D. Ingram - Copyright ©2000 by R.D. Ingram All rights reserved on all material on all pages of this web site, plus the copyright on compilations and design, graphics and logo. For information on reprinting material from this site please contact