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Introduction to Native American Ministries

2 Corinthians 5:17- "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come!" (NIV)

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Our Mission

We would like you to know we believe the first missionaries came with a superior mentality and did not perceive themselves to be servants of the people. This method has proven to be disastrous and has had an adverse effect on our people. We do not wish to make the same mistakes. We believe we must have local Lakota leadership in order to help create a relationship-based church. We have a unique ministry as we are also Lakota and yet we are aware of the responsibility for the believer to become like Christ.

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Our Profile

Using the value system of our Lakota people, we have sought to understand the problems the first missionaries have had in addressing the spiritual needs of our people. With a 75% unemployment rate and alcoholism being in the 90% range, there needs to be definite changes in the lives of our people. I believe that Satan knows the courage and humility the Lakota People are inherently blessed with. Satan will stop at nothing to place barriers in the lives of the Lakota People, trying to prevent the people from bringing their strengths to the church. Fortitude and generosity are values that will help our people to give the church the needed assistance in reaching the world for Christ.

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Contact Information

If people would like to hear more of the Ministry and would like for me to be a speaker, I would be glad to come to your church or conference. I assure you I am fully endorsed by many. I teach the Word of God and give a biblically focused message of how the Word relates to Native America. Also, my wife Belva is one of the greatest speakers for women's groups, and she is available for scheduled engagements as well. You can also get on the list for updates of Reservation Ministry by sending an email.

"Wicasa Wacekiya"

Thank you!

~ Pastor Leon Matthews

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{short description of image}Electronic Mail:

General Information- Contact the Pastor

Non-Profit Organization- OYATE KIN WACEKIYA OMNICIYE " The People Gathered To Pray"

{short description of image}Postal Address:

P.O. Box 1981, Pine Ridge, SD 57770

{short description of image}Telephone Message Number:


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