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Health, Mind & Body


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by Bob Anderson, illustrated by Jean Anderson

Achieving a flexible, supple body is no easy task, but it can take years off your appearance and improve your health. If touching your toes seems like a pipe dream, check out the 20th-anniversary edition of "Stretching," the most helpful, encouraging guide on the subject.



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"Mean Genes: From Sex to Money to Food: Taming Our Primal Instincts"
by Terry Burnham and Jay Phelan

"Mean Genes" doles out some nontraditional advice: Don't trust your instincts. Instead, get to know your animal nature--especially those troublesome desires that can lead to unhappiness. Arguing that Darwin has a lot more to tell us about ourselves than Freud, "Mean Genes" is high on evolution and low on inner child.



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"Spilling Open: The Art of Becoming Yourself"
by Sabrina Ward Harrison

Sabrina Ward Harrison dives deep and surfaces with timeless innocence and age-old wisdom in "Spilling Open." In colorful pages of free-flowing collages, photographs, and scrawling, sprawling words, Harrison explores many of the questions, confusions, and insights that accompany the journey from adolescence to womanhood.



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"Body for Life: 12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strength"
by Bill Phillips with Michael D'Orso

Customers continue to report astounding results from Bill Phillips's deceptively simple, three-times-a-week, 12-week- long weightlifting program.



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"The Pilates Body: The Ultimate At-Home Guide to Strengthening, Lengthening, and Toning Your Body--Without Machines"
by Brooke Siler

"The Pilates Body" is perfect for anyone looking for a simple exercise program that promises results, requires a minimum of time, and can be done at home or while traveling--each exercise can be performed using only an exercise mat.



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"Running and Walking for Women over 40: The Road to Sanity and Vanity"
by Kathrine Switzer

An "Oprah" appearance has this book flying off the shelves. One satisfied customer says, "I am happy to finally have found a book written by and for a woman over age 40. So many books I have purchased dealing with walking and running were by younger women or men, and until you hit age 40 and beyond you just do not know the challenges that one's body goes through."


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