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"Be the One"
by April Smith

Cassidy Sanderson, a female talent scout, discovers a great new batter from the Dominican Republic in April Smith's baseball thriller "Be the One." But soon Cassidy's up against voodoo, violence, and foul play.



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by Mario Puzo

In "Omerta," the late Mario Puzo triumphantly concludes his Mafia trilogy. The good Don Raymonde Aprile is dead, and his adopted nephew, a jolly macaroni importer, plans to avenge him--if he can figure out who ordered the hit.



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"The Sibyl in Her Grave"
by Sarah Caudwell

When a blackmailing medium dies and Julia's Aunt Regina falls afoul of the Inland Revenue, it takes Julia's impeccably mannered (and mysteriously gendered) mentor, Professor Hilary Tamar, to unravel the connection. "The Sibyl in Her Grave" is the fourth--and final--work in this superbly literate series by the late and much admired Sarah Caudwell.


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by Penelope Evans

Stewart Park, a homely morgue photographer, becomes oddly enamored of a beautiful, mysterious young drowning victim and in the throes of his obsession, determines to find out how she died.



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"The Tattooed Soldier"
by Hector Tobar

Guatemalan refugee Antonio Bernal's wife and child were killed by a soldier with a jaguar tattoo. In Los Angeles, on the eve of the 1992 riots, chance brings Bernal and the tattooed murderer together again and sets into motion a terrible revenge.



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"Purple Cane Road"
by James Lee Burke
Available August 1

Cajun investigator Dave Robicheaux has always had a warm spot in his heart for the mother who disappeared when he was young. Now he's discovered that she spent her last years as a hooker before meeting an untimely death at the hands of the police. That sets Robicheaux on the trail faster than a hound dog after a squirrel. Pre-order your copy now, and we'll ship it to you when it's released.


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