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Model Water Bottle Rockets

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Model Water Bottle Rockets

Hay guys,
I just found out about the greatest novelty hobby gadget since the hula-hoop. Model water bottle rockets is turning into a hobby that transcends almost every age group. Unlike reloadable solid fuel cardboard tube rockets there is no fire involved! This opens up a whole new zone of safety where children as young as for years old can load, charge and fire a rockets of their own design that they can make themselves. Of course anyone who remembers the V.W. individuality craze knows that once people find a way to express their own creativity and individuality there is no limit to what the human mind can conceive. From altering the nose cone down into a trimming of the tail-fins up to stacking bottles on top of each other to create multiple stage rockets capable of exceeding the combined length of three football fields STRAIGHT UP!

And so, to all of you sitting around the kitchen table with a bottle of vinegar and a pile of baking powder wishing there was something better, but knowing that if your little sister or brother got a hold of your cannon fuse and black powder your mother would ground you for the rest of your life - have I got something for you.

The following is a complete description diagram and instructions on how to build the trytex1 model water bottle rocket launcher. This document constitutes a legal copyright and retains all rights and patents that may be generated into the future. In other words you can build one for yourself but their mine to sell at TRYTEX1

You'll need
a) 2 1/2 ft of 1/2 inch sh 40 PVC
b) an end cap for part a
c) two 2 1/2 inch adjustabel pipe straps
d) 1 1/2 inchs of 1 inch sh 40 PVC OR a 1/2 inch FF slip coupling
e) a yard of 1/4 inch course thred thredded rod - OR -
e1) 1/4 inch by 4 inch full threded bolt or cut the rod
e2) 1/4 inch by 5 inch full threded bolt or cut the rod
e3) 1/4 inch by 6 inch full threded eye bolt or cut the rod
f) a couple of garden hose washers
g) some waterproof sticky tape and a couple yards of strong string
h) 3 inches of 3/4 inch thin wall PVC
i) a 3/8 fine thread to 3/16 tube converter
j) 20 feet of 3/16 ID - 5/16 OD tubing
k) pnumatic presser
l) and a partrege in a pear tree, or at least somthing to hold the launch tube during the launch

step 1) take part D the 1 1/2 inch long piece of 1 inch sh 40 PVC OR the 1/2 inch FF slip coupling and drill a 7/32 hole through it inthe middle. Take eye bolt part E3 and thread into the PVC. This is now part 01

step 2) Just like part 01 take part a the 2 1/2 ft of 1/2 inch sh 40 PVC drill a 7/32 inch hole 1/4 inch from the end of the pipe then at exactly 90 degrees drill another 7/32 inch hole 3/4 of an inch from the SAME end, then take parts e1 and e2 and thread just like part 01. When you look through the tube you should see the two bolts make a 90 degree right angle. When you are happy with the results cut the pipe 1/4 of an inch from the second hole which will be about one inch from the SAME end of the pipe you started at giving you a 1 inch piece of PVC with two bolt sticking out at 90 degrees. This is now part 02

step 3) Take your rocket (the standard is a 2 liter bottle of Dr. Salt soda pop) clean it and push part a through the open throut which we will now call the nozzel. leave about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch space between the top of the tube and the bottom of the bottle which we will now call the nose cone. Now trace the end of the nozzel whith pencil, pen or if you really messed up step 2 your own blood.

step 4) push the washers - part f up to the bottle top nozzel were you drew the line. Slip pipe part h UP to the washer if the fitting is loose wrap sticky tape part g around the pipe a untill pipe h is snug but still movable.

step 5) glue part 01 on to part h 1/4 inch from the top - with both open ends of pipe a and h perfectly parrelel to each other and the e3 eye bolt at a perfect 90 degree angle to both of them


step 6) Piece e1 the short bolt of part 02 the 2 bolt sticking out of the stub of PVC, is placed in what can only be described as a snowman formation with the short bolt of part 02 as the head - piece d of part 01 as the body - and piece a as the legs. now take part c the two 2 1/2 inch adjustabel pipe straps and one on top of e3 and one below e3; tighten.

step 7) tighten part c to hold the e1 to part 01 and in turn press tightly on peice h which braces f and LOCKS the whole thing onto a which holds the bottle rocket in the correct position for launch as bolt e2 can SWING onto the lip of the rocket holding it down * During a real flight add 1/2 litter of water

step 8) attach part i and part j Presserize the bottle pnumaticly untill water sprays out of the opposit side of the lock

step 9) pulling on a string attached to the outer most end (head)of e2 the long bolt of part 02 the 90o thing and goes through e3 the EYE of the eye bolt, will cause the eye and the head of e2 to come together ROTATING 02 causing the lock to swing out of the lip of the bottle.

step 10) using bolts and threded rod allows for a lot of adjustment if it doesent line up right JUST TWEEK IT till your happy !

SKETCHES - DIAGTRAMS - PHOTOS etc. to follow in the future.

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