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The Little Gems!

Who are they?

The Little Gems (or known as Juveniles and Preteens within competition) are the youngest members of our team. The age of a 'Little Gem' starts around 4 and normally ends around age 10 or 11 when you move into the Junior teams, or are competing the second year of Preteen in competitions.

The 'Little Gems'

registered with Gemini at the start of 2008 are.....

Rashan Dolati.....
Rashan is 8 and will be competing in Juvenile when she is ready for competitions. She has only been with us a short while but is settling in well and picking up the basics! Rashans strength is pointing her toes and pull ups and she is working on perfecting her basic twirls and thumb flips. She twirls in the Pearl teaching group.
Hannah Symonds.....
Hannah is 8 and also will be competing in Juvenile when ready for competitions. Her best buddy at twirling is Rashan! Hannah's strength is her figure of 8 speed and she is working on perfecting her horizontal full hand twirls and thumb flips. She is in the Pearl Teaching group.

Lauren Corani.....
Lauren is 10, and is the sister of Jenna. She competes in Juvenile and has made a good start to competitions this year already placing 5th in Duet! Her biggest achievement is taking part in her first competition at Bournemouth 2008. She concentrates very well at training and has improved recently as a result. Lauren strength is her arm rolls and she is working on improving her pattern and flow. She is in the Pearl teaching group (shortly to move up to the Ruby's)

Mary Poulton.....
Mary is 9 and is sister of Jessie. She is a real character (very chatty and bouncy!) and loves the social side of twirling! She has been twirling with Gemini since she was a PeeWee and now competes in Juvenile. Just recently she has shown improvement in her twirling ability especially in struts and is one of the teams best marchers! Her biggest achievement is winning 6th place in Military Strut at Bournemouth 2007. Her strength is her Basic Strut technique and she is working on speed and new catches within routines and 2pins. She is in the Ruby teaching group.

Sophie McPherson.....
Sophie is 10 and competes in Preteen. She has only been with Gemini a short while but shows excellent potential. Already a competitive gymnast, Sophie has excellent bodywork technique and control and this has really helped with her twirling. Sophie is looking forward to her first competition with Gemini in April. Sophies strength is her excellent bodywork technique and she is working on different releases and catches and speed. She twirls within the Ruby teaching group.

Georgia Mowlam....
Georgia is 11. She competes in Preteen and is a really talented twirler. She has been twirling with Gemini since she was a Pee Wee and the in following years has won many trophies and awards including many top 3 awards at Nationals and Regional titles. Her best achievement is being selected as part of the England team and competing in the European Championships in Croatia in 2007 in Juvenile Duet and placing 5th! Her strength is her good baton and body technique and she is working on confidence with her 4 spins and spin illusions and roll combinations. She twirls in the Sapphire teaching group.