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The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

Home Summary Characters Quotes Setting Soundtrack About the Author About Me

Lena 'Lenny' Kaligaris - The Beauty

Background Info: She lives with her Greek parents and has a younger sister. She is known by everyone for her beauty, but she is shy and quiet. She is also artistic and likes to paint.
Spending the Summer in: Oia, Greece
Doing what? Visiting her grandparents.
Must Overcome: Her fears of rejection and love, and her unwillingness to trust others.
Supporting Characters: Effie, Grandma, & Bapi Kaligaris, and Kostos

Tabitha 'Tibby' Tomko-Rollins - The Rebel

Background Info: She was raised by her young, radical parents. Then her parents 'grew up' and now she has a two year old brother and one year old sister. She is the 'Black Sheep' of her family.
Spending the Summer in: Bethesda, Maryland
Doing what? Working at Wallman's and making a 'suckumentary' about her summer and Bethesda.
Must Overcome: Her superficial attitude, and the deaths of two close friends.
Supporting Characters: Mimi, Bailey Graffman, Brian McBrian, Duncan Howe

Carmen 'Carma' Lowell - The Bad Tempered

Background Info: Her parents are divorced. Her father is Caucasian and her mother is Puerto Rican. She lives with her mother.
Spending the Summer in: Charleston, South Carolina
Doing what? Visiting her dad.
Must Overcome: Her anger at her father for finding a 'new family'.
Supporting Characters: Albert Lowell, and Lydia, Krista, & Paul Rodman

Bridget 'Bee' Vreeland - The Athlete

Background Info: She lives with her dad and twin brother. Her mother died when she was twelve. She is tall, has captivating blond hair, a huge personality, and is a soccer star.
Spending the Summer in: Baja, Mexico
Doing what? Attending a soccer camp.
Must Overcome: Her compulsive attitude and desire to get what she wants, no matter what the cost.
Supporting Characters: Eric Richman, Molly Brevin, Diana, Oliva

*Pictures courtesy of Warner Brothers' "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" Movie*


The Septembers

The original Sisterhood, the girls' mothers. They were a strange group, Tibby's mom - the young radical, Lena's mom - the ambitious Greek, Bridget's mom - the Alabama debutante, and Carmen's mom - the Puerto Rican with the rocky marriage. They all met at an aerobics class for pregnant women, and were all due in September, hence "the Septembers". They became friends and continued with a support group after the girls (and Bee's brother) were born. They are the main reason that the girls are so close, but their friendships deteriorated after the death of Bee's mom. Now the Sisterhood girls carry on their mothers' friendships, and are the new, true Septembers.

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