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An RP Encounter!! Apostle Foxy, minions PollaX and Lenocka all traveled to Love Ride this week and actually met Robert Patrick! The story of their encounter can be found here!

I added some new pictures of Annabeth Gish from the Femme Fatale Premiere that took place this weekend.

The November Issue of Mr. Intensity is up and running. Check it out now..that Coolbryne churns out one fine product!

And finally, are you having trouble remembering the URL for HOOD? Well now you can use and it will take you right here!

Bravenet is up and running again so the November Poll is now working.

I finally got around to putting the guestbook into this design. Please take a minute to sign and tell me what you think. You rock!

Kristi over at The End of the Road has a new site design up. It's very glowy-in a good way! Check it out.

Don't forget that Fox will be showing XF Bloopers on Tuesday at 7 PM CST.

Happy November!! A big thanks goes out to Cassie over at ATD for selecting HOOD as the site of the month!

It's a new month so that means there is a new Poll! Answer it! Answer it now!!

The HOOD November wallpaper is up. You are welcome to download it. I'm still looking for artwork to include in the HOOD gallery. It can be any type artwork as long as it includes Doggett. Check here for more details.

I'm doing some fall cleaning. So look out for slight changes. I'm fixing some broken links, taking out old links, etc. If you see anything missing that you would like me to keep, just let me know!

Wow...another update?! It must be that daylight savings time.

Jessica has her X-files Quiz up again. Hurry over there and take it before she has to remove again due to those pesky bandwith restrictions. I didn't even cheat and I still like Monica Reyes ;-)

Don't forget that Robert Patrick will be featured on the cover of November's Full Throttle magazine. It goes on sale November 1st!

Amazing! An update two days in a row. I had some extra time for once so I used it *wisely* and scanned the web for the latest news.

I ran across a new message board, well it's new to me at least. Check out X-Files for some interesting disscussion.

I joined the Dedicated to the X-files webring. Check it out. Some great sites are listed there.

Just giving props to the fanfic challenge posted over at Addicted To Doggett.. People!! Write some Doggett stories dammit! I want to read some good fan-fic!!!

Wow! After a couple month long absence from the website scene I'm finally back. School and work have eased up a bit and my trip to NYC and DC was fabulous!

So much is new in the world of Robert Patrick! The Love Ride is just around the corner and the fabulous Laura over at The Many Roles of Robert Patrick has all the lastest information on how to sponsor Robert in his ride.

The X-files has begun its run on Sci-Fi and TNT. Both networks are showing random episodes and have included season 8 and 9 episodes! MMmmmm Doggett!

Head on over to Robert's Official Site to find out about his upcoming role in the FX cable series Snitch. And prepare to worship-he even answers a few questions for Doggett!

Holy News 8/27/02

Robert Patrick has been handpicked by FX execs to star in the network's second-ever series Snitch.

Also, keep an eye for for him in an upcoming BMW Ad that he and Don Cheadle ("Traffic") just finished shooting.

In Doggett news, the final episode of the Official Magazine has hit the stands.

Annabeth Gish was featured on ABC last night in Sealed with a Kiss. It was a cute little film and you can see some great screen shots thanks to the folks over at Simply Annabeth.. And want to hear what John Stamos thought about his rocking co-star? Check here for a transcript from a chat he did way back in 1999 to promote the film!

Holy News 8/21/02

Robert Patrick talks briefly (and I do mean *briefly*) about his upcoming roll in Charlies Angels 2 in this week's Entertainment Weekly.

I made some new link to HOOD banners. If you like them, feel free to download them and link to HOOD via your site.

Holy Well Wishings 8/14/02

First I want to send out thoughts of concern for the German and Czech visitors to this site. Try to say dry and safe!!

I got some new photos of RP in my inbox today. Thanks to my subscription to Wire Image, I will upload larger versions of these pictures as soon as I can.

Holy Update 8/13/02

I've finally gotten around to making the August Poll. Within/Without re-ran on FX this week and after watching it I was in a silly mood and thus the poll resulted. Disclaimer-I do *love* Mulder and do not think he is a wimp.

Holy Update 8/12/02

Looks like I had the insomnia bug again! This layout looks much better or at least I think it does. The main page that has been up for the last couple of days was just too drab. Plus, I really like the collage I made for this layout. This new layout would not be possible without Acolyte PollaX and her great site Generosity Gillian that I took apart to learn more advanced HTML code. The other pages will still have the spring design until I can get them fully updated.

Everyone knows this by now but Robert Patrick has been signed to do Charlie's Angels 2:Halo. There seems to be a problem with him getting adequate publicity about role so head on over to PATS and see what you can do about it. But RP tells us about himself via his Official Site.

07/23/02 -More Holy News

Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been working hard on my new pet project, my blog, so I have been neglecting this site a bit.

I was so excited because I had time to transcribe another Robert Patrick article from the latest magazine and add it to the Library, only to find that Megan already had it stored over at ROADrunners. (She's cool like that!) Ah well, I saved it to the HOOD library anyway.

And finally a new challenge! HOOD members can proudly stand by His Hottiness and spread his teachings via the HOOD bible. But we sort of stopped writing down his inspired word after Existance. You know how it is, apostles get lazy sometimes. All that constant preaching and teaching wears us out. So I posit this, all lovers of St. Doggett the intense send your inspired Word of Doggett to and I'll add it to the bible. You see, I'm apostle #1 so I can do that! *g*.

07/19/02 -More Holy News

Hey this site just won an award! Can you belive it? Thanks to Kristi over at End of the Road for the Doggett Loves You Award! Check her sites because they are awesome!!

color="171967">06/09/02 -Holy Fellowship

Due to all the difficulties that I have had in the past with an MSN sponsered chat, this site now has it's own room powered by bravenet. So update your bookmarks and click here to chat! Scheduled chat begins at 7 PM CST tonight.

06/07/02 -Holy Voting and News

First off another great place to rate HOOD! And best of all, this one works!

Hey so there's no pic but I swear it works! :-)

I updated the St. Doggett Archives to include some fabulous new links I just came across! These include Robert Patrick Online (intense galleries) and SciFinerd's Robert Patrick Page (intense fanfic). Stop by and give them a look see.

And speaking of fanfic, I actually had a chance to read some and I came across one of the most original stories I have read in a long time! HOOD fic pic of the week is ::drumroll:: Driving to Montauk. by Scifinerd.

06/05/02 -Holy Induction

Please join me in celebration of HOOD's newest minion Miss Blue!

No news on the JD/RP front today but as I was skimming over at the GA/DD archives (hey! I like Mulder and Scully too!) I saw that they had archived the unaired/unedited script version of The Truth. We could have seen some Manly Doggett in Action had they aired those scenes! Damn that editing room! Hey, I guess that is kind of JD new related afterall. :-)

06/04/02 -Holy News

The X-Files Yearbook officially hits the stands today. If you live in the middle of nowhere (like me) then you can order one through Barnes and Noble

Thanks again to all those who have complimented me on the new design. I have completed the update so all of the menu links should be working. Let me know if you find something missing!

Ooh! And here's a great place to vote for your favorite sites! ::subliminal for mine::

06/03/02 -Holy Creativity

Watch out for the new site design! Hope its not too difficult on the eyes or the browser! I made the design shortly after the TV Guide covers came out but it seemed like everyone was using those images. Lucky for me they weren't using the *good* images so I can have them all to myself! ;-) Hope you enjoy! And a special thanks to Acolyte Lenocka for teaching me how to make the fabulous table to the left of your screen. Please contact me if you find any broken links!Thanks! I guess I should add that the menu buttons will function once the page update is complete. Please check back after you find a button that doesn't work. I'll finish the update as soon as I can.

06/02/02 -Holy Fellowship and News

HOOD will host a Chat tonight, Sunday June 2 at 6:00 PM CST.

There just aren't enough Doggett or Robert Patrick themed polls on the net. So I decided to make one. Check out HOOD's latest feature, the Holy Poll.

You know what else I can never seem to find? All the great John Doggett and Robert Patrick pictures in one place. I'm thinking of starting a gallery. Tell me your favorite pictures of da' man via email and I'll be sure to add them.

05/30/02 -Holy News

Yay! I just found out there is an Annabeth Gish Fanlisting afterall! Thanks to Mickie, the Enigmatic Tomato for helping me find it. Also, I stumbled across a great xf fanlisting archive-Reaching for the Stars so you should check it out if you are into that kind of thing. I added some buttons at the bottom of this page to include the latests fanlistings.
05/26/02 -Holy Fellowship

Tonight the Holy Order will host a special Fellowship (chat) Service, entitled "How are you Holding up?". As tonight is the first night in 9 years that we are forced to realize their is no new episode in sight, we want you to know that we are there for you. To accomodate our west coast chatters, chat will begin at 6 PM CST. Come and join other members in supporting each other in this difficult time. ;-)

05/25/02 -Holy News

A special thanks to Dave, who knows I love the mytharc and Spotzy. He sent me a link to Frank's May interview with Sci-Fi.

05/24/02 -Holy News

Head on over to the fabulous OS to see some great behind the scenes pics of the finale. A little low on the RP factor for me but there are some cute ones.

Two new links added today. The Many Roles of Robert Patrick and All Things Chris Carter are great sites run by the superphile Laura!

05/22/02 -Holy News

The X-files will begin airing in rerun syndication on Fox, Friday May 24, 2002 at 8 PM CST. The first episode to air will be Badlaa. Reruns will continue in the X-files original time slot for the summer.

Want to help start some good buzz on Robert Patrick's new project? Join PATS!

05/20/02 -Holy Day of Induction

I wanted to give a warm welcome to Samantha, the newest member of the flock.

05/20/02 -Musings of an Enlightened Fan

So here it is 2 o’clock in the morning and it has finally hit me-in all it’s cheesiness.

I have just finished watching the series finale and I couldn’t stop the flow of nostalgia that filled my mind as I watched that last scene. I had to tape the show because obligations kept me from watching earlier in the evening. I sat alone, in the dark watching after everyone else had long fallen asleep. My mind drifted back to that first episode I had ever watched. I had taped the episode for my father and decided to watch it midway through the show. I sat alone, in the dark watching long after everyone had gone out for the evening. I had no idea as to the journey my life would take as a result of a simple show about two people searching for “the truth” which would become their journey to find meaning in life.

A void had been created in my own life as a result of a loss. In the spirit of adolescent melodrama, I felt I was alone. I endured my simple little life week after week, only taking pleasure in that one hour every Friday night when the x-files came on. For that one hour, my boring life which I thought was headed no where became exciting, filled with government conspiracy, little gray men and the unbreakable bond of friendship and trust.

Eventually, I moved away from the small town that had become my prison and went to college. The pain of my loss diminished and my heart started to heal. I made some of the best friends that God ever created. I experienced life rather than just wading through it. I graduated (twice), realized my calling in life and started to make my way toward achieving it.

Through all the changes over those next seven years, one thing remained constant. For one hour a week, whatever my troubles or frustrations-they were put on hold while Mulder and Scully and later Doggett and Reyes worked their magic. Sometime in the interim, I met few fellow philes along the way and ended up traveling all the way to Europe. I found a new hobby in website creation. I found a cathartic release in writing and actually completed the work of fiction that throughout the years evaded its final sentence.

As I sat watching this final episode in ironically the very same house where I viewed the first one, I took a moment to reflect on all that has changed. So much in my life is different from the way it was back then. Yet, at the core, I am still the same person. The difference is that I know that I changed things once and so I have the strength to change them again should I feel the need to. I have hope. And the truth is that hope will always survive if you let it.

Hmm…and keeping hope alive seemed to be the theme of the entire show, after all. How very philish of me? Okay and so maybe a little melodramatic too. ;-)

05/19/02 -Holy Day of Mourning

Can you believe it? After 9 years, it all ends tonight. The show has been both invigorating and draining, somtimes frustrating and yet somehow satisfying. I know its only a show but it sure has given myself and millions of other fans something to talk about and bond over. But just as I read on Angie's site X-files fandom is sure to endure the ages. I know I'll be here and I hope you will be too! A special Chat will be hosted in the Fellowship Hall tonight. Doors will open at 7 PM CST.

I have gotten several emails over the past few days asking if the site will stay up. I plan on sticking around so please continue to come by. Weekly chats will continue. I have been trying to decide on a theme for the chats. Should we all agree to watch a certain ep and discuss that (ala a book club) or should it be more of a free style chat? What do you think? Feel free to email me at! Also, I will be adding more and more to the site, including XF movie updates and future work by all the X-files crew. I have been trying to stay spoiler free so I haven't been going to many sites, thus the lack of updates here.

05/16/02 -Holy Day of Gratitude

Robert Patrick says thanks! Via his Official Website, Mr. Intensity himself tells us,

To all of my fans,

Thank you so much for your support during my two years on "The X-Files". It was one hell of a ride! I am in South Africa right now, shooting an HBO movie with Lauren Holly, called "Pavement". I'll do my best to keep you all posted on what's next.

Thanks again!

So does anyone still wonder why we love this guy?!
UPDATE 05/08/02

Guess I'm a little slow today because I just found out that today's xf set clip is one that includes RP and AG! And thanks to the fabulous webmistress over at Je Souhaite you can see the clip even after they take it off the OS!

UPDATE 05/08/02

Well I finally got around to working on the Fan Fiction pages. Check it out to see my latest work or visit the Collage page to see all of the art I have made or received thus far. If you have a work of xf related art that you would like to see housed here let me know!

Oh and don't forget to check out the X-files Search Engine. If you have time while you are there would you mind rating my site? For your convenience, you can use the "Rate Me" icon located at the bottom of this page. Thanks! Did I mention how great you are today?

UPDATE 05/07/02

Wanna see a new Robert Patrick interview? Thanks to Megan over at ROADrunners you can!

I fixed the link to the HOOD library. Relief can now be read.

And I want to extend a big welcome to HOOD's newest members- Redwing and Katz (although you really aren't that new are ya, Katz)! Thanks for joining!

UPDATE 05/05/02

New site design! You see I go away to have fun with my friends and end up breaking a knee in the process. So now I have all this time, what with being immobilized and all, to play around on the computer. Do you like? Let me know!

UPDATE 05/04/02

So much for getting out of here without an update! The OS has some great pictures from the finale up. I have to say I'm loving them!

Thanks to some great fellow Robert fans over at PATS, I have been able to find out that his new movie is being directed by Darrell James Roodt, the same fellow who directed Cry, My Beloved Country. Can't wait to hear more about that!

Great article in the MovieIdols magazine featuring Robert. I got my copy today and yowza! And the fabulous Bethie over at Bethie Believers has saved me the trouble of transcribing it here as she already has it up on her site!

UPDATE 05/03/02

New pictures of the finale are up over at the OS. Some great shots of Mr. Intensity. Have I mentioned how much I hope they don't kill him off in the end?

OOOH! I finally got around to making a guestbook. Okay so I didn't actually make it, HTML GEAR did. But anyway, click the link in the Menu to your left and sign it if you feel like it.

Just in case anyone stops by, I will be out of town until Sunday night so there will not be any more updates until then. But don't forget to stop by for CHAT on Sunday night after the episode airs. See you there!

UPDATE 05/01/02

No new info on Robert, mostly because his Official site sucks! Yep I said that and I meant it! Word around town is that he is still in South Africa filming but that's all anyone can seem to find out.

In Doggett News, this Sunday's episode is definitely a Doggett centered episode. Try as I might, I can't seem to find any decent spoilers. But there are pictures and script snippets up at the OS Release should tell us a bit more about what happened to his son, at least that is my hope.