Xena Commentaries and Reviews

Xena Commentaries and Reviews
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MAY 8th, 2002: A very special congratulations to Lucy, Rob, Daisy, and Julius in regards to the newest member of the family, Judah Miro Tapert, born May 7th! We are glad Judah's entrance into the world went well for both mother and son, and wish the whole family much happiness.

Kye and I have been devastated at the news of Kevin Smith's death. We wish to express our deepest sympathies to his family and friends. He was a big part of what made Xena: Warrior Princess the special series that it is, and we thank Kevin for his fine performance as Ares. May he rest in peace.

Welcome! My name is Shana and I am a Lawlessbian. I have been writing commentaries for Xena episodes since near the start of the sixth season. I created this website so I could keep them all together for easy access. You'll see that I have two different styles of reviews. For most of the earlier episodes, my reviews are fairly brief, concentrating on what I like, what I don't like, what drives me crazy, and what doesn't make sense. My reviews for sixth season are much more detailed to the point of obsession. I want the reader to be able to picture all aspects of the episode, using just my words. Add to that my comments on various points, a dash of humor, and you have some reviews you can sink your teeth into. Please feel free to drop me an email, letting me know what you like or don't like or asking any questions that come to mind. Please note, I am NOT under a doctor's care...I just have a little healthy obsession with the Warrior Princess and her trusty Bard!

Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce Gary, who has been doing his own reviews and will be a regular contributor here. His style is quite different from mine, as you will soon find out, but hopefully, between the two of us, we'll make you see the episodes in a whole new light! To make it easy to distinguish who wrote which review, all of mine are black while Gary's will be in blue.

This site is still not known for its fancy graphics, but I'm trying to include at least one photo with each review, just to get the reader in the spirit of the episode. You will note that Xena and/or Gabrielle are in 97.3% of the photos. That is intentional, of course. Who watches the show for Joxer? And besides the reviews, there are a lot of other fun things going on here that you might want to check out. If you are a subtexter over the age of 18, you will want to check out the Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls, written by me and my gifted partner, Kye. If you are a non-subtexter and over the age of 18, check out Regrets, which is guaranteed to demand you take a cold shower. If you're under the age of 18, stick with the reviews!

Please join me in welcoming Andrew's reviews to the site! He offers yet another viewpoint on episodes, that hopefully, will have you rewatching them to see what you missed. His reviews will be in violet so you can tell them from mine and Gary's. Thank you, Andrew! Enjoy!


Hey, what do you know? I'm a published author! Spectrum magazine was kind enough to print my comparison of the Director's Cut of Friend in Need to the regular episodes. Check out Issue 29 if you'd like to see it! You can check out the website for ordering instructions at:


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Season 1

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Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6...

Fan Fiction...Regrets Books 1 and 2...

Fan Fiction...The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls...Fan Fiction Page 1

Fan Fiction...The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls...Fan Fiction Page 2...

Fan Fiction...The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls...Fan Fiction Page 3...

Fan Fiction...The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls...Fan Fiction Page 4...

Fan Fiction...Taking Risks...

Adventures of Indiana Shana

Doing It Doggerel Style...

Further Thoughts on the Finale

Point/ Counterpoint Discussions

Changes for the Director's Cut of A Friend in Need

Lucy and Renee's Hercules Episodes

Andrew's Essays

Musings, Opinions, and Discussions

Email: lawlessbian@insightbb.com