
I have been working on Regrets for a long time, but have been really nervous about posting it. The ironic thing is, I've written fiction all my life, and have never tried my hand at non-fiction until I began reviewing Xena episodes. I would appreciate any feedback on my efforts.

DISCLAIMER: Xena, Gabrielle, and Argo do not belong to me. That's the first of many regrets that I have. I will return them unharmed physically, but possibly a little shook up mentally.

Jamen, Dal, and a myriad of other characters do belong to me. I may end up regretting that too.

Violence: Yep, there's plenty of it, some brutal, some not.

Sex: Yep, there's PLENTY of it, all of it explicit. Most is heterosexual but there is at least one scene of same-sex variety. This story is for NO ONE under the age of eighteen.

Subtext: Nope, not the kind you usually find in fan fiction...although there is this one part...Seriously, in this story I see Xena and Gabrielle as best friends, inseperable in life, but not as lovers...although there is this one part...

Angst: Yep, there is a whole lot, particularly in Book 2. Sorry if it depresses anyone, but I felt the need to go there.

Setting: This tale takes place somewhere between Second and Third Season, so get used to picturing Gabrielle with long hair.

Feedback: Please drop me an email and let me know what you think. Be gentle, as I cry easily, but please be honest. Shana

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Regrets Chapter 1
Regrets Chapter 2
Regrets Chapter 3
Regrets Chapter 4
Regrets Chapter 5
Regrets Chapter 6
Regrets Chapter 7
Regrets Chapter 8
Regrets Chapter 9
Regrets Chapter 10
Regrets Chapter 11
Regrets Chapter 12
Regrets Chapter 13
Regrets Chapter 14
Regrets Chapter 15
Regrets Chapter 16
Regrets Chapter 17

Regrets Book 2, Chapter 1
Regrets Book 2, Chapter 2
Regrets Book 2, Chapter 3
