. . Random Interests

(Formerly "Book Review") Starring the new "Bush's Book Review Rating System."

Fad of the week
This week, half-assed workouts!

My Work
Why are you thinking about clicking here?

Political links
War or No War. These guys make it sound important

Magic the Gathering
Trying to figure out the answer to the question: Why do I suck at this game?

I'd be surprised if this isn't a broken link

Friends & Family
Life's chock full of good people

This subject occupies a large portion of my waking consciousness

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(March 7th, 2003 -- 8:49 AM PST)

There will be no updates to this site for a little while. See you after Easter. Sorry!

-- pauloc

(March 6th, 2003 -- 7:06 PM PST)

Damn you, cheese sandwich! Well I missed the sunset again. I thought I could make it home, whip up a grilled cheese and pastrami sandwich, then go down to the beach and take some pictures. What happened to the planned run and no batteries for the camera? Well, I was hungry, and it's not healthy to run with a stomach full of cheese and deli meats. And I got some batteries from home. Anyways, I missed the sunset yet again, but I did see some cool birds who seemed to be body-boarding. They would run up to the water's edge, then float as the tide took them in, then run back to do it again. It was fun to watch.

-- pauloc

(March 6th, 2003 -- 4:41 PM PST)

My scheduled run will take place at the beach today. Last night was so gorgeous, and today is such a nice day, that I think I'm gonna go running by the beach. But I forgot to charge my camera, so you won't get to see the sunset today either. Sorry...

-- pauloc

(March 5th, 2003 -- 8:35 PM PST)

I dropped by the beach today, and I saw part of an amazing sunset. I got my camera out a bit late so I only snapped a few shots of after the sunset. I love living by the coast.

-- pauloc

(March 5th, 2003 -- 4:32 PM PST)

Due to marketablity issues, the "Book Review" page has now been renamed Entertainment. Also, this increases the accuracy of the title, considering that the page has no book reviews. I added yet another Bush icon, but I think that will be the last. There seems to be an endless supply of stupid pictures of Bush, but I have to draw the line somewhere...

-- pauloc

(March 5th, 2003 -- 8:47 AM PST)

On the left margin, I now put *stars* around the links that were recently updated, as in today or late last night.

-- pauloc

(March 4th, 2003 -- 11:29 PM PST)

Two more icons have been added to the Bush's Book Review Rating System."

-- pauloc

(March 4th, 2003 -- 5:49 PM PST)

NEW NEW NEW! Check out the new Book Review page. Sounds boring, but it's actually a fun page. A lot better than the rest of the crap on this site.

-- pauloc

(March 3rd, 2003 -- 8:25 AM PST)

A clean slate. It's Monday morning, so I can now count this as a new week for workout purposes, since last week was such a failure. I would like to run and workout today, but it doesn't make too much sense to put the bar higher when I couldn't meet the lower standard of just running or just working out last week. That's the only good part about the morning, there's always the possibility that I might have become a more disciplined person over the weekend. Who knows?

-- pauloc

(March 2nd, 2003 -- 4:11 PM PST)

A new title! For all of you who haven't been to this site since it's inception (four days ago), this is the debut of my new title. I thought "Marginalia" was appropriate because it means "notes taken in the margins" or "non-essential items." When I first heard this word in junior high, I giggled like a school girl because of it's striking similarity to the word "genitalia." Oh come on! Don't tell me I'm the only one to notice!

-- pauloc

(March 2nd, 2003 -- 3:42 PM PST)

I neglected to mention that all the links on my Politics page are up and running. You should really check out these sites; they'll give you a new and intelligent perspective on the upcoming war and on President Bush. As a fair warning, most of the sites slant right so if you're looking for someone to try to lower your esteem of our President, (and let's not kid ourselves, who isn't?) you'll have to watch CNN to catch Bush speaking in public.

-- pauloc

(March 2nd, 2003 -- 3:17 PM PST)

I haven't worked out in so long I should call the link "Fad of Last Week." If you haven't checked in awhile, the workout page now discusses the joys of barbeque without even mentioning guilt. Where'd my workout conscience go?

-- pauloc

(March 1st, 2003 -- 5:17 PM PST)

The Work link now works. That sounds like I was trying to be funny, but I can assure you I was not. Anyways you can now try the MTG link, the "Fad of the Week" link, although I can't get the damn photo of the Body4life picture to load up properly, the Politics link, and finally the Work links to work. But don't try the links in each of those pages, I'm not quite there yet. And as a bonus, my friend, Ben, is working on some photo viewer html so that I can post some pictures of some friends and family. Man, am I ambitious or what?

-- pauloc

(February 28th, 2003 -- 8:38 PM PST)

Pool is difficult. Either that or I suck at it. I like to think the former. My pictures are still broken. Hope that's not a sign of what's to come, since I'm planning on posting more pictures later tonight. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

-- pauloc

(February 28th, 2003 -- 5:11 PM PST

I wish I could say that everything is going along smoothly, and that not only do I have the MTG site up and running but also the "Fad of the Week" page working. But I can't get the picture to load properly... why? why? why?

-- pauloc

(February 28th, 2003 -- 1:48 PM PST)

One link now works. Whoo hoo! Although theres not much to see, try the MTG link. I'm gonna try to finish off the "Fad of the Week" today and maybe even the "My Work" link if I get motivated enough.

-- pauloc

(February 28th, 2003 -- 8:20 AM PST)

Wow a second entry, who would have thought we would make it this far! Well today I'm going to try to remember my username and password for this site so that I can work on it at home. (Luckily my web browser saved my name and password somewhere). I guess I should try to make some of the links work, but to do that I'd have to create the sites they link to. Hmm... busy day ahead

-- pauloc

(February 27th, 2003 -- 6:35 PM PST)

As the first entry to what is supposed to be a daily entry to this site, this clearly is not the best way to start. But hey, run-on sentences aren't that bad. And we both know that I'm not gonna keep up with this site. This is the definition of "fad of the week."

-- pauloc

Send Comments to pauloc.

- Nothing to Archive! -

Paulo Castaneda - note: this site was fashioned using the source code from www.talkingpointsmemo.com.

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