. . Random Interests

Photo Gallery
Pictures of Sedona and Las Vegas

Book reviews, Movie reviews, Misc. Games, none of these things are in this section. They will be later, when I'm not quite as lazy.

Fad of the week
For now, just a list of fads I've gone through over lent.

My Work
Why are you thinking about clicking here?

-Friends & Family-
Life's chock full of good people

Pop-Up Killer
This website has lots of popups. Here is a link to a free pop-up killer that only takes 40kb of space.

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(May 28th, 2003 -- 11:00 PM PST)

I realized that if you go through this site, open up a few pages then look at a few pictures, you'd have about a dozen popups open. That sucks. So I put a link to a pop-up killer program. If you click on the link, it won't auto-download. It'll take you to a site where you can read about it. Its a FREE program that only takes 40kb of space. Tiny and free. Can't beat that.

-- pauloc

(May 28th, 2003 -- 8:59 PM PST)

Although I was trying to hide the fact that I'm a big nerd, here's a link to my decklists for Magic the Gathering. (and no, smartass, I wasn't hiding it very well.) Magic the Gathering; I think there's less of a stigma on drug abuse than on playing this game, and maybe for good reason...

-- pauloc

(May 26th, 2003 -- 3:39 PM PST)

There's a few pictures of Sedona finally up on the gallery page.

-- pauloc

(May 23rd, 2003 -- 10:57 AM PST)

I've been on vacation for the past week. Went to Sedona and Las Vegas. I'm at home in Brea now, just recovering. I should have pictures posted soon, and they should look nice.

-- pauloc

(May 15th, 2003 -- 9:08 AM PST)

Entertainment page is back up. Thanks to Margaret!!!!

-- pauloc

(May 15th, 2003 -- 8:49 AM PST)

I deleted my Entertainment page. My favorite page. You know how? By trying to link to a story about a badger attack. F'ing badgers.

-- pauloc

(May 13th, 2003 -- 7:49 PM PST)

The page about my work is finally up. It's really not finished yet, but it does have some photos of people I work with. Check it out. LINK

-- pauloc

(May 13th, 2003 -- 4:27 PM PST)

The entertainment page seems to get updated more than any other page. Does that say something about me and my priorities? I hope not. In other news, I'm working on my work page (I know there has to be a better phrasing than that, but I can't think of one. "I'm tinkering with..." seems too paltry, whereas "I'm developing.." seems like I'm gonna need a copyright. So I'm stuck with what sounds like a bad pun.) so there should be something new there by tomorrow or Thursday.

-- pauloc

(May 10th, 2003 -- 11:27 PM PST)

Some new stuff in my entertainment page. Should be good for a chuckle.

-- pauloc

(May 10th, 2003 -- 9:40 PM PST)

This picture was taken by Grace's 7 year old cousin; I like it quite a bit. We ate at a Chinese restaurant with most of Grace's relatives for mother's day. I brought my camera. Expect a few chinese restaurant pictures for the next few days. Actually, expect a lot of pictures because I just got a 256mb memory card for my digital camera.

-- pauloc

(May 9th, 2003 -- 11:26 PM PST)

Here are a couple choice quotes from my dentist appointment:

Overheard when dentist and assistant were looking at my X-rays:
"Oh my God! That's on his wisdom tooth?!"

When describing how my wisdom tooth was impacting one of my molars:
"The tooth might feel fine now, but at any time, the wisdom tooth might hit the nerve of your molar causing pain. You could be woken up in the middle of the night by extreme pain."

-- pauloc

(May 9th, 2003 -- 11:52 AM PST)

I'm going to the dentist. I'm not happy about it. I'm imagining him opening up my mouth and saying:

"Oh, for the love of God! You have the teeth of a 50 year old aboriginal bushman."

I'll tell you how it goes.

-- pauloc

(May 8th, 2003 -- 10:10 AM PST)

I just watched X-Men 2. That is a sweet movie. It really captured the feel of the comics, and I should know, being in comic book mode right now. In other news, broken links now look like this -Broken- whereas normal links look Normal. If you can click it, it should work...

-- pauloc

(May 7th, 2003 -- 11:19 AM PST)

Fad of the Week page is now up. I'm still working on a way to show whether or not a link works without having to put the cursor over it. I'm trying the strikethrough right now, but I'm not sure I like it.

-- pauloc

(May 2nd, 2003 -- 1:00 PM PST)

Back from Lent! After taking a haitus for the past 2 months, my readership has now dwindled from a high of four people to now just one, me. (The high of four was including me.) Let's see, quick recap of the past 50 days. My friend Ben has been up here visiting Grace and me, so that means that I've been playing more magic the gathering and reading more of the Bible than I normally would. Both have been more enjoyable than I would have guessed. Work has been pretty routine, and apartment hunting has been non-existant. Honestly, time has just flown by. I'm working on updating the other pages on this site, so I expect that I won't write much until the rest of the site is put together. All links will work now; if you can click on it, it should take you to a working page.

-- pauloc

Send Comments to pauloc.

- Feb-March 2003 -

Paulo Castaneda - note: this site was fashioned using the source code from www.talkingpointsmemo.com.

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