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I was gonna start by telling you about all the gorey things I have done, but I
will start by telling you what I am doing to this site to make it better. lol...

Dec 10, 2005 @ 9:24 PM I haven't done anything on here for a long time, but a friend told me to update so I did. :-) I loaded a couple pics, changed a couple things here and there. Check it out and if you see anything that I haven't changed that needs it email me I'll try to come back more often to add shit and take old shit off. :-) Catch you all laters.. :-)
Feb 14, 2003 @ 9:18 PM I edited my pictures page, My Pics. I added and deleted a few pictures. Made is easier to look at. Although the pictures are somewhat small. I also added a link to my "links" page, but it doesn't work right now. I still need to find out the correct address. I added a joke to my "funnies" page. Well, Hmmm.. Talk at you laters. *grins*
Feb 11, 2003 @ 10:53 PM Well, I was online last night and started adding some new links. (still not finished though) I also ran across an article from England. I thought it was interesting, so I added that article to my website. (thnx Eric) Umm.. Not much else is goin on. But thanks for stopping by. *smiles*
Dec 05, 2002 @ 8:07 PM Today I didn't do much, except update a few things like my age lol, friends, and fav. music. I added a few new things to my "about me" page. Like favorite movies and books. I also added a new joke a few days ago. I am gonna start doing my webpage again. I hope so anyway. LOL..
Mar 21, 2002 @ 8:07 PM Hey. I added another page, but this one has funnies on it. Or at least 1 funny. LOL. I also changed every page so that they also have a link to the new.... funny page.. *hehe* I just have a good joke that I got today on the page, but when I stumble onto another good joke.. I will borrow it. *sneaky grin* Here it is "Funnies"!!!
Nov 29, 2001 @ 7:58 PM Today I just added some pictures and some links. Oh, I also did some other minor stuff, nothing too exciting. I haven't done much to this site in a while, but it is progress all the same. LOL...
Oct 28, 2001 @ 4:02 PM Ok, I come here in not 1 month, but two!.!.!... *woop woop* I still work graveyard. It sucks but I get by, and today I did some lame ass shit to my homepage. *ha* I just took my femme purple backroud off of my links page. And I took out the graphics I was using for the links. Changed the format. OOOOOHHHHHH!!!.!!.. Sounds like alot eh? Man... It took the life outa me. I can't even breath now!! *laughs at her dry humor*
Aug 15, 2001 @ 10:38pm Well, I didn't do much today, but I did change some stuff on my "aboutme.html" page. I didn't fix my links but... I will do that another day... Maybe a month from now...
June 29, 2001 @ 10:38pm Today I fixed some of my pages by adding all of my links to almost every page. Except for my homepage, and my tribute page. I haven't been working on my website for awhile. I also took the song offa my index.html, cause it took too long to load and I replaced it with an old song. But the next time I get on I will most likely fix my "links" page. It looks awful right now! *haha*
May 23, 2001 @ 9:09am I finally added my "cool ppl" page. These are the ppl that rule! They are soooo cool!!! *hehe* I also changed alot of other minor stuff, no biggie. I have been sooooooo busy! Barely had time to do this, I should be asleep by now. Working graveyard is killin me. j/k.. *grins*
May 15, 2001 @ 4:36pm I didn't do too much today, cause I have been really busy. But today I edited a little info cause somethings with me have changed. I also added a different background to this page.. Pretty cool, eh? Soon I will add a page of cool ppl, and some more pics of me. Laters!
May 7, 2001 @ 11:38am. I did several things today. I changed my "Pain" page, took out some stuff then changed the link to "Tribute". Now it is more calm. I had to get out alot of anger and fustration, but I don't need to leave that in there anymore. I made a picture page and put a link on my "aboutme.html", since they are of me. I will be adding more pictures to that page later on. I also made a "quote" page. I put a link to that page on the "aboutme.html".
Damn! Do I say "page" enough? Sure sounds like it.. page, page, page.... *ahhhh ahhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhh*
May 6, 2001 @ 4:33am.. I added a new page.. It is about my house.. I just have some pics up now. But it kinda shows you what I had to do to make it look nice. lol.. I still have some work to do.
May 3, 2001 @ 7pm. Now I added a picture to my "aboutme.html" page. I guess the only thing to call it is dark and... uhhh.. hehe.. I'll let you come up with the rest. But that pic was taken a LONG time ago! It was in early '98.
May 3, 2001 @ 5:01am.. Okay. I added my "Pain" page. It is a tribute to two of my really good friends that have died this year. And I actually got around to expressing myself. *hehe* A little good came out of something that makes me want to die... Everyone has to have the small joys in life.
May 2, 2001 I now have a quote part to my "aboutme" page. I added this a few days ago. When I get enough quotes I will make a page for them. So, if you are cruzin around and see this... E-mail me with any quotes that you like. They might be good enough for me to actually put them on my page! lol...
May 1, 2001 I just started my news page today. There has been alot of progress since my homepage was started, but o-well... hehe... I am in the process of remodeling my homepage into frames.. So, sometime in the future it will look very nice. Well, I am hoping. *smiles*