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~*Chapter 5*~

I ran as fast as I could. I didn't think, all I knew to do was get as far away from Christian as possible. The man at the front gate stamped my hand and I flew to the parking lot. I heard Christians voice call after me. "Erin! Erin!" He yelled, I could hear his footsteps. I raced for the keys in my pocket and scrambled to get them out. I clicked the alarm on my car and onlyhoped I could get the door unlocked and the car going before Christian got to me. I didn't want to explain why I had bolted. I tried to put the key into the door but it wouldn't work. I heard Christian runing up to me, I still fumbled. "Erin please wait," He said coming up behind me. He was out of breath and his face was flushed red.

"I'm sorry," I said unlocking the car door. I opened the door and put the keys in the ignition.

"Erin, don't go! I know you really don't want to go! Let's talk. As friends nothing else," He said taking my hand.

"Christian i am not looking into getting my heart broken again. I feel too much when I'm with you and it scares me," I said begining to cry. Christian knelt down next to my door, somehow I fell in his arms. I cried into his shoulder and his arms stayed around me. I felt absoloutely safe, and it scared me. I hadn't felt that way..ever. It was like he and I had this connection. If you asked me to explain it I'd be at a loss for words. I held her there, I didn't do anything else. I just let her cry as hard as she wanted as long as she wanted. She lifted her head and our gaze met. "I must look horrible," she said wiping the tears from her blood-shot eyes.

"I've never seen a more beautiful sight," I said wiping a tear from her cheek.

"What do we do now?" she asked. I had no idea. I wanted to take her home with me, wrap her I my arms and never let her go. I wanted to spend the rest of my life making her happy, but I wasn't sure thats what she wanted. And if just being a friend to me would make her happy, I was willing to be just that. "Look we have the next few weeks off. The guys and I decided we'll get a place down by you guys. It'll give us a chance to relax, and give me a chance to spend more time with you. What do you say about that?" I asked.

"I'd say you're crazy. Why would you want to spend your vacation time with a heartbroken boring girl like me?" She asked. Little did she know I wanted to spend more than my vacation with her.

"Because I'm a a heartbroken boring guy. Plus I think your the cutest heartbroken boring girl in the world," I said pulling a piece of hair from her face.

"Are you going to be something I have to get over?" She asked. I was confused,

"Excuse me love?" I asked.

"I mean are you going to break my heart more than it already is?" She asked. That was the lastt hing on my mind.

"Never," I said and kissed her cheek.

Chapter 6
Chapter 4