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~*Chapter 6*~

"HOW ARE YOU SUPOSED TO KNOW ITS YOURS???? what the hell... " Sam was taken back. This surely was not the reponse she had expected to recieve, althought this was not the way he was suspoed to find out. "how are you..."sam said soflty, as she done on her cold concrete stairs. Tears started to pour down her face, and she put her head in her hands.

"awwhh, there.. There is not need to cry." Mark said, feelign a little bit cruel. Heading back towards Sam.. "I'm sorry Samie.. How could this have happened..? Are you TOTALLY sure it's mine?" MArk asked wiping the tears off of her cheek with the outside of this hand.

" It IS yours, Mark. That one night.. That stupid party.. we were both drunk. Don't you remember?" Sam said the tears started to fill in her eyes again.

"Oh god. This can't be happening." Memories of that crazy party suddenly crashed into Mark's mind. Tears welled up in his eyes. "Sam.. really, what am I going to do?" He asked her.

"YOU? YOU? What am I giong to do.. I had my life planned, I wanted to go to college, become successful, maybe acutally get outta here. But all of those plans are ruined. I have to plan.. to have a BABY, of all things.." Sam cried, hugging her knees.

In shell shock, Mark stood up. "And you're sure this child is mine... you told me you had slept with other guys." Mark said harshly with a look of hope on his face.

"I lied. I am a god damn tease, as they like to call me. I have NEVER slept with anyone before. I was TOO afraid.... Mark you were my first. " Sam said.


"How could she have done this to me?" Marcy asked herself out aloud. " I mean we WERE best friends.. and EERRR!"

"Ring-Ring" The phone distrubted her thoughts.

"Hello?"Marcy asked, wiping tears away from her cheeks.

" Marc... it's Sam.."

Chapter 5