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~*Chapter 7*~

"What do you want?," Marcy yelled as she manuvered her growing belly around the kitchen counter.

"I...I needed to talk to someone about this...I thought you would understand," Sam said with great uncertainany in her soft voice--she clutched her belly as she talked.

"Understand?, understand? What the hell am I supposed to get her Sam? That my best friend slept with MY ex?," Marcy said as her voice dripped with sarcasiam, her eyes flashing.

"Yeah what was I thinking, you're perfect aren't you? Never made a mistake in your perfect little life...Everyone expected me to get pregnant! What are they gonna think about you?," Sam shot back, hurt that not even her best friend understood her anymore. Ever since they were young Marcy had always been the perfect one, and Sam had been the bad seed. These things had never come between them and neither one ever brought it up--to them they were equals but finally Marcy had made a mistake. "That was a low blow from someone who USED to be my best friend!," Marcy said, Sam could tell she was crying and it began to tug at her heart strings--tears began to form in her big bright eyes.

"I'm sorry Marcy--everything thats's just too much, I don't know if I can deal with it by myself..I don't know if I can deal with it period!," Sam said slowly, Marcy could tell that Sam was inplying something but she was too upset to let it bother her.

"Well you know what--I have my own problems to deal with right now, and I don't have time to deal with your latest stupid mistake! My baby was at least made out of love---what are you going to tell your child someday Sam? Marcy spit out this one last shot before slamming down the reciever. Sam stood there starring at the wall and could still hear Marcy's harsh comments running through her mind. "No, no, no," Sam screamed before running out of the house and jumping in the car--she knew her destintation. Marcy would regret not helping her for the rest of HER life.

Chapter 8
Chapter 6