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~*Chapter 11*~

I grabbed my make-up box and ran out the door, to the sound of a limo's honking horn. "Okay, okay, Nick, I'm right here," I said, sitting down next to him.

"Just making sure, I don't want you to get, ya know, cold feet," he said, taking me into a hug.

"Oh, Nick," I said, smoothing down his hair.

"Anyway," I said, moving onto a more cheerful subject,

"No MTV cameras or paparazzi following us?" I asked.

"Let's just be thankful for that," Nick said, taking me in for a deep kiss.

"Let's," I said, kissing him again. The driver knocked on the window seperating us from him, to signal to us that we were there. But Nick's lips stayed in full contact with mine.

"Um.." I said, before his lips met mine again.

"What?" Nick asked, kissing down my neck.

"I think we're here," I said sitting up.

"Oh," Nick replied, "We could always stay in here though." He winked.

"Wouldn't you like that," I said, standing up, "But I've gotta get ready."

"Or, we could always do that," Nick replied shrugging.

"Bye, see ya later," I said, holding onto his hand until I had to let go.

"Jane, how do I look?" I asked, slipping into my dress.

"You look gorgeous. Nick would have to be absolutely crazy not to marry you now," she said, zipping up the back of my dress.

"Thank... mother-in-law," I teased.

"It's Jane, I told you that," she corrected, as BJ stepped out of her dressing room.

"How do I look?" she asked, spinning around in her long, blue sundress.

"Oh, Beej, you look so beautiful!" I exclaimed, hugging her. The blue in the dress matched her eyes, and her blond hair matched perfectly. She looked a lot like Nick.

"Come here," Jane said, jumping over the train in the back of my dress, "We don't want your dress dirty too soon."

"News alert!" Sarah yelled, coming back into the dressing room, not yet in her dress. I stood mouth wide open.

"I know, I should be dressed, but I did a little dirt digging, especially looking at the guys," she giggled, taking out her dress.

"And.." I asked, as she wiggled into the dress.

"Well... Nick looked extremely handsome, as well as everyone else," she assured. I closed my eyes as Jane put some blueish-purple eyeshadow over my eyelids, as I kept talking.

"Did he?" I squealed. I knew he'd look really cute, but I would always think that.

"Yeah, Nick looked really good," she replied. Jane lightly tapped on some blush, and I applied some light lipstick to my lips.

"How do we look?" Christine, Danielle and Sarah said at once, coming out together, wearing identical dresses to BJ's, except theirs was shorter.

"Great," I said, walking over to them.

"Come here, you don't want to go out partially dressed," Jane said, placing the veil over my hair.

"Five minutes girls, are you ready?" a runner asked.

"Yeah, come on," I said, the butterflies becoming active again.

"Are you nervous?" Sarah whispered, as we made our way over to the room.

"No, I'm just getting married," I said, sarcastically. As we neared, we heard faint piano music.

"I love you BJ," I said, hugging her.

"Save that vibe for Nick, he looks pretty anxious," she said, pointing at Nick. Sarah was right, he looked extremely handsome. He looked a little uncomfortable in his tux, but he looked ready to get married. As he saw me, his lips spread into a smile. All of a sudden, the church music stopped, and the melody of Here Comes The Bride started to play. I saw my littlest cousin start marching down with the flower petals falling from her hands. Then, Danielle and Christina walked down, one on each arm of Kevin. They walked down, slowly, followed by Sarah and Howie. Finally, BJ and Brian walked down. Nick and I decided that since they were the Best Man and Maid of Honor, they should be by themselves. And then, it was my turn. I linked arms with AJ, and we walked down slowly. We did everything like we practiced, and everyone's eyes were on me. I saw cameras flash, and smiles, but nothing beat the look on Nick's face as I approached. This was the first time he'd seen me, I'd wanted to keep it a secret from him, and it was total shock. As I walked up to stand next to him, he whispered "You toward the minister. "We have gathered here today, to witness the joining of both Nickolas Gene Carter, and Jessica Marie Brown. I have had the experience to meet with these two about 7 monthes ago, when they decided they wanted to be married. They are a playful and an enjoyable couple to be around, yet serious when they need to be. God knows they were meant to be together," the minister said, "These two have written vows to say to each other, so I will let them read theirs right now," he said, nodding his head. I motioned Aaron to come over, with the rings, sitting on a light blue satin pillow. I picked up the bigger band, the one I'd made specifically for Nick. It wasn't very special, just a simple gold band, what he'd requested. "Nick, I've known you for 4 years, and ever since then, you've been my guiding star. I think that when I came to Florida, I wasn't really sure what to expect, but you helped me every step of the way. You've been my angel, never forgetting about me," I said, tears forming in my eyes, as I saw him tear too, "You've always been there for me, never letting me down. And when you go on tour, I know you won't forget about me, and I won't either. I love you Nick," I said, slipping the ring around his ring finger.

"That was beautiful," the minister said, "Nick?" Nick glanced at me, and took the ring I got. It was a small ring with little diamonds. I didn't want something very elaborate, just meaningful.

"Jess, I love you. I've loved you ever since the day you moved here, but I wasn't sure if you felt the same way. Now I know you do, and I vow to never break your heart, cuz I'd rather die, than live without you. I'll give you all of me honey that's no lie," Nick started singing. A smile broke across his face and mine, and he slipped the ring around my finger. We turned back to the minister.

"Nickolas, do you take Jessica to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?"

"I do," Nick said, squeezing my hand.

"Jessica, do you take Nickolas to be your lawfully wedded husband to love and to cherish, till death do you part?" This was the moment of truth. I looked into Nick's eyes, and said,

"I do."

"Well, with the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," I looked at Nick, and his lips came closer to mine. We shared a sweet kiss, and then we parted. It was now official, we were now Mr. and Mrs. Nickolas Carter.

Chapter 12
Chapter 10