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~*Chapter 19*~

The plane landed smoothly into the international airport in Tampa. "Nick wake up," I nudged him. He slowly rubbed his yees and fluttered them open.

"Where here already?" he asked.

"Yep," I said leading him off the plan. We bundled up our luggage and headed for a rental car to drive back to our new little apartment. Nick lugged the suitcases into the car and started the engine. The drive back to the apartment was nearly two hours, so I made myself comfortable. "So are you excited?" I asked nick.

"Excited about what?" he asked unaware.

"You know us... our being together in our own house?" I asked again.

"Babe, is this a big deal to you?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, why it isn't to you?" I asked nervously.

"No no it really is. It's just I mean we'll have a lot of unpacking to do and stuff," he said. Nick's things had been sent to my place while we where gone.

"That's ok I just want to be with you," I said linking my arm with his.

"Yeah me too. But you know there will have to be some changes made around the house," Nick said seriously.

"What kind of changes?" I asked.

"Like the bed sheets. Baby little frillly things just aren't very manly."

"Well we can get some solids in neutral colors."

"Good. But that's just one of the things that needs change. Like the way you keep your toothbrushes. You have some special holder, you're actually suppost to keep it in the medicing cabinet, little stuff like that. But don't worry we can change things," he said patting my leg.

"Honey I like things the way they are. I mean I think we can agree on some stuff," I said trying to smile.

"Oh yeah I'm sure we can. Enough talk about that. Are you happy to be home?" he asked curiously.

"Oh yeah. Don't get me wrong, the island was amazing. But I like the feeling of being in my own house and all that. I even can't wait to get back to the office," I aded.

"Jess that's another thing. Do you really wanna keep working?" he asked suspiciously.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

"Well I thought that maybe you'd just like to browse stores, hang out at the studio go on tour with me?" he said as if it was a responsibility.

"Well sweetheart I do wanna go on tour with you, but I also want to do my own thing."

"It's not what you's what makes this marriage work." "I understand that DARLING, and I want to make the marriage work. The office will always be second to us. But I have my own wishes. Don't get me wrong I'd drop anything to go with you to England or germany," I aded trying to be as sweet as possible.

"Well then give up the office and stay with me," he said.

"Ya know Nick this is just what A.J. did when we where together!"

"Oh so now I'm acting like A.J. Well then maybe I should just act like him all the time. Here let me give it a try, 'Jess I love you now I don't,' is that enough like A.J.?" He asked yelling.

"Nick stop it!" I screamed back burying my head in my hands.

"Gosh Jess I'm trying so hard, and you just can't appreciate it, can you?" he lowered his tone focusing back on the highway. Tears began to stream down my face. I turned my head to looking out the window. I tried to not let my tears show. Minutes and minutes went by and both of us said nothing. "Jess?" Nick asked in a soft sweet tone. I was still foaming.

"What!?" I asked...

Chapter 20
Chapter 18