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~*Chapter 25*~

"MMMMMMM your so gorgeous," Nick said to me when we where sitting on the floor near the end of the bed. Nick had lite candals around the room and the feel was soft. Nick's haead was lying next to my stomach and his hand on my stomach.

"Sweetie, do you think we're too young?" I asked.

"No. I never thought we where too young to love and I don't believe that where too young to have something that's ours. Something we'll love so much," His eyes sparkled and I could tell he loved me. I ran my hands through his hair and smiled down on him.

"I love you so much," I said leaning over to kiss him.

"Hey babe why don't we take those lips of yours onto the bed," Nick pleaded with his eyes. We crawled onto the bed and Nick's arms circled around me. His kisses went from my forehead to my colarbone. His hands ran down my arms. "I guess we don't have to worry about protection," Nick giggled.

"Not like you ever did before," I said hinting. Nick stopped and looked down on me.

"I love it when you talk back to me, it's so hot," he said kissing my bottom lip. He then planted a huge sloppy kiss on my lips and I began to gag.

"What's wrong??" Nick said becoming worried. I caught my breath and sat up.

"I'm alright. It's just that kiss made me gag," I said laughing.

"Oh so my kisess make you gag?" Nick asked.

"Well the one's that have a tone of spit on them yes," I said going closer towards him.

"No don't come closer. I understand you don't love me," he said.

"Oh no way hot stuff. I think your so fine. I love you so much," I said running my hands down his back giving him a massage.

"You think I'm fine?" he asked.

"Oh yeah so damn fine," I said kissing his ear tenderly.

"Ok I'm happy now," he said holding me again. 3:30 a.m.; I woke up feeling the urge. I tapped nick on the shoulder and heard him flip around to face me. "Everything ok?" he asked.

"Yeah but I have a craving," i said biting my lip.

"Can this craving wait?" he asked.

"No it can't! I need some cookie-dogh ice cream and b-b-q Pringles," I wined.

"Oh Gosh Jess, that's disgusting!! But I'll go to the store," he said putting a pair of track pants on and a undershirt. I quietly waited while he rushed to the store. Suddenly he appeared again with a bag. "Here's your coookie-dough ice-cream and pringles, and a spoon," he said handing it to me.

"Oh yes!!"I screamed so happy. I opened the carton and the pringles. I started to dip the pringles into the ice-cream.

"Babe want some?" I asked nick sitting next to me watching the whole cheraid.

"Ice-cream but I'll hold on the chips," he saids taking the spoon from my ahnd and serving himself. He then took some and fed me a bit.

"MMMMMMmmmmmm it's so good!!!!" I smiled and closed my eyes in pleasure.

"Better than sex?" Nick asked smiling.

"Depends with who," I gigled.

"Oh sure Jess you've only been with me. Better than me? Does it please you more?" he asked grining. It was just like him to say somehting so perverted.

"I'd say they're fifty fifty," I smiled and began eating more ice-cream.

Chapter 26
Chapter 24