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~*Chapter 26*~

"Yes Mom, our honeymoon was great," Nick said, rolling his eyes while he spoke. I quietly giggled.

"Anyway, Jess and I wanted to invite you over since we just got back, come over and see the new place," Nick continued.

"Mm hmm, yeah, we're ready for everyone. Invite my whole family, Jess is really looking forward to you guys coming over," Nick said,

"Yeah, positive. Yup, yup, bye." He placed the phone back into it's cradle.

"Ha ha, the boys are yours," Nick said.

"You're mom needed a lot of pressuring though," I teased back.

"Yeah, I guess. But the guys need a reason for everything," Nick said.

"Watch me. No if's, and's or but's in this conversation," I said picking up the phone and dialing Brian's cell number.

"Hello?" Brian said, after the fourth ring.

"Yo B! What's up?!" I exclaimed into the phone.

"Hey guys! It's Jess on the phone!" Brian yelled to the guys in the background,

"Sorry, they wanted to know where you guys were. What's new?"

"Honestly? Nothing. Nick and I wanted you guys to come over and just... chill. It will be like a house-welcoming, if there even is such a thing," I said, giggling.

"Okay, we've got nothing planned. Sounds cool to us. We can't wait to see you guys. Did you get to see much of the island?" Brian asked.

"We didn't really get out much. We mainly stayed in bed," I said suggestively.

"Ooooh, Jess! A little risky business there huh?" Brian teased.

"You could say that, I'll tell you all about it later, though. If I don't get off the phone, I think Nick will kill himself," I said, as Nick counted how long it took me.

"Okay, I understand, see ya. We love ya Jess!" Brian said.

"Bye," I said, hanging up the phone.

"So... how long?" I asked.

"Not as long as it would take me," Nick said, amazed.

"The power of a woman," I said, sitting on his lap.

"Oh yeah? And what is that power?" Nick asked, kissing my neck. I turned around.

"Anything you want," I said, as sexy as I could, and immediately kissed him.

"I like, I like," Nick said, kissing me again.

"What's the man's power?" I asked, slowly unbottoning his shirt. As a got to the end, Nick simply ripped it off. His hand grabbed the nearest button on my shirt.

"Uh uh," I said, crawling my hands up his chest. He tried again, but this time I simply jumped up. Nick stood amazed.

"It's the power at work," I said, watching him sit there.

"Ooh.. you bad girl," Nick said.

"I know," I replied,

"I'm gonna go get some stuff to eat. I'll just make lasagna, okay?"

"You mean, your own special recipe lasagna?" Nick asked, following me to the door, "I'm all in."

"Okay, you get the drinks and I'll get the food and meet back in an hour," I said, grabbing the car keys, and leaving. After an hour in the store, I finally made it home. I'd told everyone to come at 6, and it was now 5:30. "What took ya?" Nick asked, as I came in the door.

"Oh Nick, you impatient boy. You know the super market, don't you?" I asked.

"Right. You ready to come out?" Nick asked.

"No, but they definitely deserve to know. We can't hide it from them. I don't think I'll be able to hide it from BJ for that long," I replied.

"I could. But... if that's what you want," Nick said. Suddenly the door bell rang.

"Did I tell you my mom was coming early to help set up?" Nick asked, shrugging.

"No.." I said.

"Well, she did, and that's probably them," Nick said, walking to the front door to let them in. I was afraid of how they would all take this. I was even more worried about how BJ would feel. But before I could think about it, Nick had opened the door and let everyone in.

Chapter 27
Chapter 25