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~*Chapter 28*~

"Hey Nick. Okay, I'm going over to your mom's house. I really need to straighten things out with BJ and stuff. Then, I'll go to AJ's, cuz I doubt he'd want to see you," I explained, while I ate cereal.

"Thanks honey, I appreciate that," Nick said, sarcastically.

"Sorry, that came out harsh, but you know he wouldn't really want to see you," I replied.

"Okay, I understand. Good luck, you might need it," Nick said, "I'm gonna go to Brian's, at least I'm welcomed there. I'm meet you back here at 5," Nick said, standing up.

"Okay, see ya then," I said, kissing Nick as he left. I finished the cereal and got ready to go to the Carter's house. I slowly rounded my car into their driveway, hoping I wasn't waking anyone up.

"Hey look! It's Jess!" Aaron exclaimed, ditching Angel to come say hi to me.

"Hey Ar, hey Angel," I said, getting out of the car.

"Hey Jess, we're really sorry about leaving so abruptly yesterday. We were all just kinda... I don't know," Angel said, looking at her feet.

"Taken aback?" I supplied.

"Yeah, I guess. It's just that, no one really expected you to be pregnant so soon. I mean, I think Beej is still getting over the fact that your married and she's still... well, not," she said.

"Really? Is that why she was so upset?" I asked.

"I guess. You'd have to ask her," Angel said, "C'mon Aaron, let's go play some basketball," she said, running away. I used the key the Carters had given me almost a year ago, and quickly slipped in. "Hi Jess!" Mr. Carter said, seeing me in their house.

"Hey, is BJ home?" I asked.

"Yeah, she should be upstairs, I don't know if she's awake yet," he said.

"Thanks," I said, jogging upstairs. I opened her door, and noticed she was still sleeping. I scanned the room, and decided to read a magazine while I waited for her to wake up. I grabbed a Teen People, and started to read. "Shouldn't you be reading regular People? Not Teen?" BJ asked, rolling over onto her side.

"I'm still a teen, ya know. I might be married, but I'm still very close to your age," I said, putting down the magazine.

"No you're not. You're married now. And, pregnant too," BJ said, tears forming in her eyes.

"You think I expected a baby so soon into our marriage?" I whispered. She shook her head no, as she grabbed a tissue.

"Right. I was expecting one, just not 2 weeks after we're married. Do you know how hard it is for me?" I asked.

"Do you know how hard it is for me? A month ago, we were inseperable. You and me, we're like peas in a pod. We did everything. Now you're married, and suddenly pregnant, and you expect me to catch up so soon?" BJ asked. This time, it was my turn to shake my head.

"I know I should be supportive, but for some reason, I can't. I don't know what happened," BJ said, wiping away her stray tears.

"Beej, you know that isn't true. You're still my best friend. Nothing's changed, just that I'm now married. We're still the same girls who used to scan the mall for hot guys as we shopped, just now, you'll be the only one available," I giggled.

"Yeah, those were the good ol' days. Now, I'll look like some lady who takes care of your baby. You'll be pushing a stroller," she reminded me.

"Oh, yeah," I said, rubbing my stomach.

"I'll be right back, I've gotta take a shower," she said, walking into the bathroom. As soon as she left, I grabbed the phone on her nightstand. I couldn't stand this type of pressure anymore. I thought for a second before I made the call. "Hi, Doc? Yeah, it's Jessica Carter. Um.. do you have the number for any doctors who could do.. I don't know, an abortion or something. Yeah, I know. It's just that, this baby is really getting on my nerves, and I don't know if I can handle all the pressure, ya know? I know what I'm getting into, can I just have the number? 526-9754? Yeah, thanks," I said, hanging up. I scribbled the number down on a scrap of paper, and shoved it into my pocket. Soon, BJ was back.

"Hey, I've gotta go, talk to AJ and do errands, but do you wanna go to the mall tomorrow?" I offered. BJ's eyes lighted up, just like all the times we'd mentioned going to the mall.

"Sure!" she exclaimed, "besides, I need some new shoes." We both looked at her closet bursting with shoes and clothes and burst into giggles.

"Nice try, but you'll have to get money from your mom or dad. Anyway, see ya tomorrow," I said, leaving her room. I was glad we were friends again, friends forever.

Chapter 29
Chapter 27