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~*Chapter 1*~

I walked up to A.J.'s door. The doorbell rang and alex ran up to the door. "Oh it's you," he said slouching.

"Thanks buddy, Can I come in?" I asked.

"You know Nick, I really don't want to talk about all this," A.J. said.

"Well man I do, I think we should," I said pushing my way forward to the couch.

"Wow! I'm getting a flashback, your wife sat in that very seat a day or two ago," A.J. said sitting next to me.

"Well she was brave for coming down here. I'm glad you two made your peace, but I think it's time we did," I said.

"Peace. Nick I don't think we'll ever have that between us. Not after all the shit you've pulled," he said.

"I've pullled shit? Common A.J. none of this would be what it is today if you weren't such a lousey boyfriend to Jess!" I yelled at him.

"Things between Jess and I would have been fine, if your sorry blond ass wouldn't have moved in," he said in a frusterated tone.

"A.J. I didn't come here to fight. I came here to make things right. Jessica and I are very happy. We want you to be apart of our lives," I said trying to calm the mood. "Man you have no idea how hard you've made my life. I'll admit that when I see Jess smile because of you I get jelous. But man I also smile inside, cause I know you treat her better than I ever would have," he said.

"Then why can't you be happy for us?" I asked confused.

"Cause, I just got over you being with her. And now your her husband, the one she'll spend the rest of her life with. I know thatand I'm happy. But the baby-"

"We'll A.J. Jess and I are very happy with the way our lives are working out I just wish you could feel the smae way," I said getting up and hedding toward the front door.

"Nick wait! The truth is...I'm jelous. You have the life I want," he said. I turned my back and headed out the door.

"Honey I'm home," I yelled stepping into the door. I saw Jess's frame in the kitchen. She was standing next to the stove. The music was up high and she was swaying back and fourth to the music. I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her. I loved the feel of her little body tied up in my arms. Her stomach was growing by the day, I thought it just made her even more beautiful than ever. "I went over to A.J.'s" I said. She turned around,

"You didn't!" "I did," I said leading her to the table. I sat her down and we ate the salad in-front of us.

"So?' she asked.

"So he said he was jealous of me, of my life," I said.

"Oh Nick, that's horrible. What are you going to do," she asked.

"I have no idea, but I know I want him to be the God-father of this baby," he said.

"Nick your serious?' she asked confused.

"I'm serious," I said looking at her.

"Your the most amazing man I've ever known, Nickolas Carter," she said kissing my forhead. I smiled and thought about the wonder that where going to happen in the next nine-months.

Chapter 32
Chapter 34