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~*Chapter 34*~

"Hey honey, let's go for a little drive," Nick said after dinner.

"Umm.. okay, where do ya wanna go?" I asked.

"It's a surprise," Nick said, taking out a blindfold.

"Oh you, you've got to be kidding me!" I exclaimed.

"If you want this to be a real secret, you've gotta put this on," Nick said, coming behind me.

"Fine," I said, giving up.

"How bout this, I'll sing a song while I put it on," Nick whispered in my ear.

"Okay," I agreed, as the sound of his voice touched my soul. Even though we were married, still hearing the sound of his voice made me go into a daze sometimes. "Don't laugh, cuz I can't exactly sound like the singer," Nick said.

"Okay, I won't," I promised.

"Ready. You were my strength when I was weak, you were my voice when I couldn't speak, you were my eyes when I couldn't see, you saw the best there was in me. Lifted the earth when I couldn't reach, you have me faith cuz you believed. I'm everything I am, because you loved," Nick said, trying to sound like Celine Dion.

"Oh Nick, that was beautiful," I said.

"Nah, it was nothing compared to what you do to me every day," he said turning me around. I felt around his face for his lips, and when I found them, I slowly kissed him. The passion lingered, until I had to breathe again. "So, where's this special place?" I asked.

"Just trust me," Nick whipsered, taking me out to the car.

"That's what I'm afraid of," I teased.

"Ha ha, funny," Nick said, starting the car and driving. We drove in basic silence, with me endlessly trying to get hints to where we were going. "Jess, I'm not telling you, so give up," Nick recommended.

"Fine," I said, trying to act mad, although I was a bad actress.

"Oh... did I hurt your feelings?" Nick asked playfully.

"No," I said.

"Oh, good. Well, put on that happy face I know you've got in there, cuz we're there," Nick said, slowly untying the blindfold.

"NICK!" I exclaimed, as I noticed we were at AJ's house. "You're kidding. You don't actually think I'm gonna go in there with you? I mean, he's gonna be really pissed if it seems like we're teaming up against him," I said.

"Jess, we've gotta settle this. We need to talk with him," Nick said, taking my hand and practically pulling me out of the car.

"Fine," said, reluctantly getting out of the car. Nick knocked on the door, and I saw AJ's silhoutte come to answer it.

"Hell---o," AJ greeted, realizing who was at the door.

"Hey AJ!" I exclaimed hugging him.

"Hey Jess," he said, "Hi Nick." I could feel AJ giving Nick a why-did-you-bother-me-again look.

"I have to go to the bathroom," I said, trying to get away from the uncomfortable duo.

"So, Nick, you couldn't just leave me alone for once, huh?" AJ asked, walking into the kitchen.

"AJ, we need to talk. We can't just leave it like that," Nick said, following him.

"Nick, it's over. We were never best friends, and after this, we probably never will be," AJ accused.

"AJ, we can fix this," Nick said. I could hear their whole conversation from the bathroom.

"Nick, this time it's gone too far. You don't understand," AJ said.

"What don't I understand, please tell me," Nick pushed.

"Nick. We've been in this group for... how long? 7 years? Well, either way, we've never had this kind of problem before. And, I'm just getting used to the fact that you guys are married. And now... you come out with her being pregnant? I don't think so man."

"I thought you were okay with this," I whispered, coming into the kitchen.

"Oh, Jess I do. It's just that... I still love you. I know I shouldn't, but I do. I think I'm through with you, but then, I look over, see you smiling, and just wish you were still with me. It's pathetic, I know," he said, hanging his head.

"Oh AJ, it's nothing like that. I sill love you... just as a friend though. I don't think you and me will ever be as close as we used to be. But you've never left my heart. Just I've made room for Nick now," I said, walking over and kissing him lightly.

"Yeah. In fact, Jess and I have decided to let you be the God father of this child. You mean so much to us, and you soon will mean a lot to this child too," Nick said cutting in. AJ looked from Nick to me.

"Are you serious? After all the pain I put you two through, you still like me?" AJ asked, wiping away a fake tear.

"Of course. We still love you!" I said.

"Hey, you might, but not me," Nick said.

"Nick! You're not helping me!" I said, playfully punching him.

"Hey, let me help," AJ teased.

"I would love to be the Godfather. That was really nice," AJ said.

"Your welcome man. We'd wouldn't want it any other way," Nick agreed.

Chapter 33
Chapter 35