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~*Chapter 35*~

"Nick get up,' I said kissing his forehead.

"Why?" he asked rubbing his eyes.

"We have a doctors appointment sweetie," I said kissing him on the lips this time.

"I wanna stay right here with you all day," he said bringing me back down to the bed.

"Nickolas, we need to get to the doctors. He's going to show us the ultra-sound of the baby," I said getting up and wlaking intot he shower. I slowly heard Nick's foot steps. I walked out to hear him down stairs hummming as always. I threw on a pair of jeans, which weren't really fiting too well, an Abercrombie tee and tip toed downstairs. The smell of bacon came through and I smiled.

"Mmmmm eggs," I said wrapping my arms around Nick's waist. "I know how much you love them," he said putting some bacon and eggs onto a plate.

"I shouldn't eat it. Too fatty," I said.

"Babe you need to put on some weight, carrying a baby isn't easy," Nick said.

"Thanks for the excuess," I said digging into my eggs.

"So do you think-" nick said before I interrupted him by runing towards the downstairs bathroom. I heard his footsteps behind me and felt his hands pull back my hair as I made friends with the toilet.

"Thanks," I said washing my face in the sink.

"Thank you for putting up with the morning sickness," Nick said coming closer to me. He wrapped his arms around me and began to kiss me, till he smelled my breath. "Mouth wash babe," he said handing me the bottle of Listerene.

I gargled a whole mouth full, then turned towards Nick. I planted a kiss on his lips. "Better?"I asked.

"Ohhh yeah," he said kissing me. I looked down on Nick's watch,"ten-thirty, we've gotta go," I franticlly pulled Nick to the car.

"Wait! You didn't even have breakfast!" Nick yelled.

"Grab an orange and let's get out of here!" I yelled. Nick ran to the kitchen grabbed a piece of fruit and back to the car where I already was waiting inpatiently.

"Ok eat this," Nick said handing me an apple. I took it and bite in. We finally made it to the doctors and where escorted to the back room.

I put on the funny gown and layed down on the examining table. A nurse came in and rubbed the jelly stuff on my stomach. Nick held my hand. 'I'm so excited," I said smiling up at him.

"We're going to see our baby," he said smiling.

Dr.Johnosn walked in with a smile. "Well, I'm glade to see you both here and wearing such beautiful smiles," he said.

"We're very excited about seeing the baby," Nick said squeezing my hand.

"Well than let's get to it," he said placing the wand on my stomach and turning on the machine. He slowly moved it around. On the small screen a fuzzy little ball came up. He pointed to the screen,"That's the heartbeat..there's the head, and the feet," he said I sqeezed Nick's hand tightly,"There's our baby," I said biting my lip.

"Our baby," Nick repeated.

"Do you two want a picture?" the doctor asked.

"Yes," Nick said before I could.

"Nick I have an idea. Let's go make copies, get picture frames and give them to everybody," I said on the way home.

"Good idea, but first goes to A.J.," he said pulling up to the nearest copy center. Nick and I ran off about twnety copies, half of which Nick just had to have. "I want one for my car, one for the studio, one for the bathroom at the stdudio, one for my wallet, and one for the bathroom at the studio," he said shrugging it off as no big deal.

"Nick your crazy," I said. "Only crazy about you and our new family,' he said trying to kiss me.

"Nick were in public," I said pushing him off.

"Then let's get out of public," he said grining.

"Later, I wanna go get a picture frame for it and bring it over to A.J." I said leading Nick to he car. We stopped by a cute little shop and picked up two frames. One for Alex and one for us. I made Nick stop by A.J's house, insisting that he needed the picture. "Jess we don't even know if he's home. He might be having 'special company,' if you know what I mean?" he said.

"I know what you mean I happen to have my own special company, but I know A.j would want this ASAP," I said begging. He finally gave in.

I saw A.J run to the door. He was in his boxers, as usual. "Hey guys what's up?" he asked.

"Well we just went to the doctor and he gave us this picture, we wnat you to be the first to have it," I said handing him the frame. The frame said'I love my Godfather,' it was really cute.

"Thanks guys. I'm gonna put it on the fireplace mantel," he said."Oh sorry, I'd let you in but there's someone here," he said. Suddenly we heard the voice that sounded very familiar.

"A.J. where are you?" I heard the voice. I almost wanted to laugh. Then the voice was put with the person......

Chapter 34
Chapter 36