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~*Chapter 36*~

I saw Lisa's petite frame walk out from the shadows, wearing little more than a tight mid-drift, and mini skirt. "AJ... what are THEY doing here?" Lisa asked, slumping over AJ's shoulder, talking about us.

"Didn't I tell you? I'm their baby's godfather?" AJ asked.

"They're PREGNANT?!" Lisa asked shocked.

"No, I'm not pregnant, only Jess is," Nick kidded. Lisa glared at him and continued.

"I didn't know. I thought I would have been the first to know," she said, this time glaring at me.

"Well, now you do. Isn't he, or she, just precious?" AJ asked.

"Yeah, if you like a bald little shit like that," Lisa said shrugging.

"I don't see you being loved by anyone. Unless you think being a slut counts," I retorted.

"I'm not the only slut in here," Lisa said, eyeing Nick up and down.

"Hey, I'm not being paid for sex. I'm married," Nick said, standing behind me.

"Lis, calm down," AJ said, pushing her down on the stairs.

"Looks like you're having a little baby-making yourself," Nick said, changing subjects.

"Hey, man, this is not what it looks like. She came over just like you did. And, Jess you know that I'm always wearing boxers," AJ said.

"I'm sure, AJ," Nick said, rolling his eyes.

"It's true, you believe me, right Jess?" AJ said.

"Um.. sorry to break it to ya, but whenever I came over voluntarily, was when we were going out. And I didn't really mind you in boxers," I said.

"And, I"m not planning to get pregnant. At least AJ uses protection," Lisa chimed in from the steps.

"Ah... so this isn't your first time?" Nick said, signaling AJ and Lisa.

"Oh.. yeah," Lisa said, starting to get horny on the steps.

"Well, thanks for stopping by, I'm thankful for the picture," AJ said, pushing us out the door and locking it.

"Now that... that's just gross," I said, walking back to the car.

"What? The fact that Lisa was molesting herself on the stairs, or the fact that they're going out?" Nick said, laughing. I giggled along,

"I guess both."

"I agree," he said, once the laughter died down, "don't ask how and why I ever dated her. She's the biggest slut," Nick said.

"And to think she was trying to tell you were like her!" I said, astonished.

"Hey, Lisa was always like that. Trying to intimidate people," Nick said.

"And she did it around me too," I said, remembering the sad moments.

"Hey, but you've got me now? Huh?" Nick said, kissing me softly.

"Yup," I agreed, kissing him again.

"Mmm... let's go," I said.

Chapter 35
Chapter 38