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~*Chapter 9*~

"C'mon, let's go get something to eat," Nick said, taking my hand to pull me up.

"Okay," I agreed.

"Anyway, I was thinking about doing this..." I heard Nick drone on about the wedding. I'd spent the entire day with just that subject on my mind, the wedding, and I was tired of discusing it. I almost interrupted him, until he saw the bored look on my face. "Tired of hearing about it, aren't you?" he asked, placing his arm around my shoulder as we walked. I shrugged out of it, and walked seperately, leaving him in wonder.

"Yeah, kinda," I said, shrugging, acting as though I didn't see his forlorn look.

"Well, let's go out, wanna go out to the place where it all started?" Nick asked, trying to get over the fact she didn't want to be held.

"Nick, I'm tired of Italian, let's get something..... different," I said.

"Well, I already have reservations, so please just try it for me?" Nick pleaded.

"Oh fine," I mumbled. I knew that he said I could make some decisions, but I was tired of him always taking over sometimes.

"I'll meet you there, I have to get ready," I said, trying to stay cheerful.

"Okay, the reservations are at 7," Nick reminded. I rolled my eyes,

"I know, that's when they always are." He looked hurt, but I tried to act like I didn't notice, as I hopped into my car. Nick turned on the ignition, and put on his favorite radio staion, hoping it would get rid of him problems. As if the wedding wasn't putting enough stress on him, the way Jess was acting wasn't making it any easier. He hoped dinner would fix things between them, maybe they could talk. He shrugged off the Jess problem, she was probably having as much stress as him, and he should have been more understanding. As soon as I got home, I jumped into the shower, hoping my problems with the wedding and Nick might seep out and go down the drain. I got out, and slipped on my favorite dress. I put on some of my favorite eye shadow, and looked at the clock. It was already 6:40, so I got my keys and left to go to the restaurant. I pulled up to the restaurant, and saw Nick already standing outside. I got out, and said to him, "Please can we go have something else, Nick?"

"Jess, I already have these great seats... and.." he said, as I cut him off.

"I thought I was supposed to make some decisions here and there! All of a sudden, you're taking over!" I exclaimed, letting my anger burst,

"Can't I, for once just fuckin choose what I want for dinner?"

"Jess, you already have," Nick said quietly.

"Nick, ya know what? I'm gonna make a decision," I said, taking of the wedding ring he'd given me. I'd seen it's cheerful sparkle for the last time. I opened his hand, and thrust it inside. As I closed his hand I said, "I'm sorry, Nick. I can't do this anymore. I can't live like this." I stormed away, already sorry for the decision I'd made, hurting him so much. As I drove away, I saw tears form in his eyes, and I felt some come from mine. Was I dreaming this? Nick thought to himself, as he saw her drive away, Did she just tell me she can't marry me? He pinched himself, hoping he'd wake up from this nightmare any minute now, but nothing changed. He opened his hand, seeing the sparkle of the diamonds. He pushed the ring into his pocket, not wanting to see that misery now. He walked over to his car, head slung, he noticed a shadow lurking over his car. He looked up to see it was Lisa. "Hey, something happened to my poor baby," she said.

"Leave me alone Lisa, my girlfriend just said she wouldn't marry me," Nick replied, trying to open his car door. She slammed it shut,

"NICK! I'll marry you!"

"Lisa, the only girl I love is Jess, not you," he said, slipping into his car.

"But Nick, she obviously doesn't feel the same way," she replied.

"Well, I'm gonna get her back," he said, starting the car. As he drove away, he heard her yell,

"DON'T FORGET! I'LL TAKE HER PLACE!" He drove home in silence. This day just kept getting worst. I slammed my car door shut, and ran inside. I flung myself to the couch, and burst into tears. To think that he... Nick... had slept there just the other night, brought back such memories. And she'd just ruined it, for good. On, what had to be, THE worst decision she'd made in her entire life. "I can't believe I did that," I whispered, to no one in particular. I wanted to apologize, but I was almost positive there was no way he would ever take me back. I'd broke his heart, he'd definitely be overprotective of it now. He wouldn't touch me with a 10-foot pole, and I didn't blame him. In short terms, I'd basically called of the marriage, because.... why had I done that? I remembered, it was because I couldn't decide where we were going for dinner. When had I become so obnoxious? If I didn't have my way, I'd have a temper-tantrum? I couldn't believe it, I'd wanted this since as long as I could remember, and I finally had it in my grip, and I let go. Just blew our whole marriage, and probably our friendship... for good. As I looked up, the doorbell rang. I looked like crap, there was no other way to describe it, but I got up to get the door anyway. As I opened the door, who should be standing there but...

Chapter 10
Chapter 8