The Wizard Post
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The Wizard Post

+ About
+ Writers
+ Editorials
+ Reader Input


The Books

+ Book 1
+ Book 2
+ Book 3
+ Book 4
+ Book 5


Movie Magic

+ Cast
+ Crew
+ Images
+ Trailers
+ Reviews


Wizard World

+ Hogwarts
+ Quidditch
+ Characters
+ creatures
+ Spells
+ J.K. Rowling

About The Wizard Post

The Wizard Post is a newspaper for the wizard/witch population. For those that don't enjoy The Daily Prophets *ehem* prevarication (dishonesty) in many of their articles (expecially ones by Rita Skeeter) The Wizard Post is definitely the paper for you. It is pact full of up to date news about our world as well as the muggle world. Find out what is new with our biggest celebrity, Harry Potter and his friends. Enjoy the paper!

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Fan Features

+ Fan Art
+ Fan Fiction





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