The Wizard Post
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The Wizard Post

+ About
+ Writers
+ Editorials
+ Reader Input


The Books

+ Book 1
+ Book 2
+ Book 3
+ Book 4
+ Book 5


Movie Magic

+ Cast
+ Crew
+ Images
+ Trailers
+ Reviews


Wizard World

+ Hogwarts
+ Quidditch
+ Characters
+ creatures
+ Spells
+ J.K. Rowling

Frequently Asked Questions

When is book 5 coming out?
It should be out sometime in mid 2002

When is the CoS movie expected out?
November 15, 2002

Do you know how I can contact cast members from the movie?
If you go here, has compiled a list of mailing addresses of the cast

How many Harry Potter books will there be?
There will be 7 books. One for each of Harry's years at Hogwarts

Can I help you with your site?
Perhaps. Keep a lookout around the site to see if staff openings are available. Also, fan fiction, fan art, etc are always welcome

Fan Features

+ Fan Art
+ Fan Fiction





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