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Card - Wednesday, March 19th


The Death Valley Bros (Death & Grim Reaper) Vs The Unholy Union (Apocalypse & Dysfunction) (c) - bNg Tag Team Titles

Apocalypse Vs Stevie Slam

Badass Ben B Vs James Ceno

Slaughter Vs Steel - Noose Match - Non Title - 3 Series Match : Match 1

Ashley Vs Laura - bNg Women's Title

Alternativ Vs Assassin - Non Title Match

Also -

- Is Aaron Ok After Being Wheeled Off The Stage By Apocalypse!?

- What will transpire between Big Rob and Knoxville!?

- Aaron is telling friends that the stipulation is still on for the main event between TD Tidal Wave and JasonBlade at Platinumb 2, what the hell is it!?

!Card Subject to Change!