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Grade 7 PowerPoint Mini-Poetry Unit



General Outcome 1:

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.

1.1 Discover and Explore

Express ideas and develop understanding:

· extend understanding of ideas and information by finding and exploring oral, print and other media texts on related topics and themes

· express personal understandings of ideas and information based on prior knowledge, experiences with others and a variety of oral, print and other media texts

· reflect on own observations and experiences to understand and develop oral, print and other media texts

Experiment with language and forms:

· discuss and respond to ways that content and forms of oral, print and other media texts interact to influence understanding

Express preferences:

· explore and assess oral, print and other media texts recommended by others

Set goals:

· use appropriate terminology to discuss developing abilities in personal language learning and use

1.2 Clarify and Extend

Consider others’ ideas:

· listen and respond constructively to alternative ideas or opinions

Combine ideas:

· use talk, writing and representing to examine, clarify and assess understanding of ideas, information and experiences

Extend understanding:

· talk with others to elaborate ideas, and ask specific questions to seek helpful feedback

General Outcome 2:

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.

2.1 Use Strategies and Cues

Use prior knowledge:

· select and focus relevant ideas from personal experiences and prior knowledge to understand new ideas and information

· use expectations and preferences developed during previous reading experiences to select and read new texts with purpose

Use comprehension strategies:

· identify, connect and summarize in own words the main ideas from two or more sources on the same topic

Use textual cues:

· identify and use, effectively and efficiently, structural features of textbooks, such as tables of contents and indices, to access ideas and information and to read with purpose

2.2 Respond to Texts

Experience various texts:

· experience oral, print and other media texts from a variety of cultural traditions and genres, such as journals, nature programs, short stories, poetry, letters, CDROM programs, mysteries, historical fiction, drawings and prints

· organize interpretations of oral, print and other media texts around two or three key ideas

· express interpretations of oral, print, and other media texts in another form or genre

2.3 Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques

Understand forms and genres:

· identify forms and genres of oral, print and other media texts, and describe key characteristics of each

2.4 Create Original Text

Generate ideas:

· choose appropriate strategies for generating ideas and focusing topics for oral, print and other media texts

Structure texts:

· create a variety of oral, print and other media texts to explore ideas related to particular topics or themes

General Outcome 3:

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.

3.1 Plan and Focus

Focus attention:

· consider audience, purpose, point of view and form when focusing topics for investigation

· use note-taking, outlining or representing to summarize important ideas and information in oral, print and other media texts

Determine information needs:

· discuss the types and sources of information appropriate for topic, audience, form, purpose and point of view

Plan to gather information:

· plan and organize data collection based on instructions, explanations and pre-established parameters

3.2 Select and Process

Use a variety of sources:

· obtain information from a variety of sources, such as adults, peers, advertisements, magazines, lyrics, formal i purpose

· produce oral, print and other media texts with well-developed and well-linked sections

Record information:

· make notes, using headings and subheadings or graphic organizers appropriate to a topic; reference sources

· compare, contrast and combine ideas and information from several sources

Evaluate information:

· assess if the amount and quality of gathered information is appropriate to purpose and audience; address information gaps

· connect new information with prior knowledge to build new understandingf

3.4 Share and Review

Share ideas and information:

· use appropriate visual, print and/or other media effectively to inform and engage the audience

Review research process:

· identify strengths and areas for improvement in personal research skills

General Outcome 4:

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.

4.1 Enhance and Improve

Appraise own and others’ work:

· identify particular content features that enhance the effectiveness of published oral, print and other media texts

Revise and edit:

· revise to eliminate unnecessary repetition of words and ideas

Enhance legibility:

· choose and use printing, cursive writing or word processing, depending on the task, audience and purpose

· identify how the format of documents enhances the presentation of content

Expand knowledge of language:

· identify and explain figurative and metaphorical use of language in context

Enhance artistry:

· experiment with figurative language, illustrations and video effects to create visual images, provide emphasis or express emotion

4.2 Attend to Conventions

Attend to grammar and usage:

· distinguish between formal and informal conventions of oral and written language, and use each appropriately, depending on the context, audience and purpose

Attend to spelling:

· use reference materials to confirm spellings and to solve spelling problems when editing and proofreading

· extend spelling vocabulary to include words frequently used in literature, but infrequently used in oral and other media texts

Attend to capitalization and punctuation:

· use commas to separate phrases and clauses in own writing

4.3 Present and Share

Present information:

· present ideas and opinions confidently, but without dominating the discussion, during small group activities and short, whole class situations

Enhance presentation:

· clarify and support ideas or opinions with details, visuals or media techniques

Use effective oral and visual communication:

· identify and use explicit techniques to arouse and maintain interest and to convince the audience

Demonstrate attentive listening and viewing:

· listen and view attentively to organize and classify information and to carry out multistep instructions

· ask questions or make comments that elicit additional information; probe different aspects of ideas, and clarify understanding

General Outcome 5:

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support and collaborate with others.

5.1 Respect Others and Strengthen Community

Appreciate diversity:

· discuss how ideas, people, experiences and cultural traditions are portrayed in various oral, print and other media texts

· explain how differing perspectives and unique reactions expand understanding

Relate texts to culture:

· identify and discuss recurring themes in oral, print and other media texts from diverse cultures and communities

Use language to show respect:

· demonstrate respect for diverse ideas, cultures and traditions portrayed in oral, print and other media texts

5.2 Work Within a Group

Cooperate with others:

· contribute collaboratively in group situations, by asking questions and building on the ideas of others

Work in groups:

· contribute ideas, knowledge and questions to establish an information base for research and investigations

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