News Section

Updates to my website and news, and stuff
and how could we forget this "STOP USING HTML MAIL YOU STUPID FAGOTS". by: me
So far the only list i had to unsuscribe from was the directxList.
DAMN HTML MAIL, should be banned


2001-07-19 I think this is the longest i've ever been without an update.
Learning more about gcc, overall i think it's a better compiler then the one Microsoft
gives there developers with vc6.
The optimization flag -O3 is really cool, what's so neat about it is that it will perform loop
unrolling and function inlining.
This comes really handy in graphics/physics work, cause we work with a lot of math routines.
Well anyways, i must get back to my linux environment
Btw, i downloaded Cygwin the other day when i booted to w2k, the shell is pretty cool, and you _HAVE_ to check
out gdb.
i'm amazed that instead of the text based debugger, gdb is a gui one in cygwin
very neat stuff
Nearly forgot; another very cool thing about gcc is the ability to tag debug info when you build binaries with optimizations.
so you can actually see your your dissassembly with optimized code, pretty neat stuff
but it's kind of wierd to follow code with the optimization stuff enabled. some variables aren't even initiliazed, etc..

2001-07-13 Long time no update :(
Been busy developing on linux, learning more about gcc, arm, cross compiling, etc..

i really like the power you get with gcc;
i got my laptop set up as my crash machine, and also the one that holds the compiler tools
to build arm executables..
it's running gcc-3 as well
if your wondering what the purpose of the arm target is for, it's for my gba emulator i'm building.
all the ones on linux aren't as good as they should be, and i jus thought i should give it a shot?
and i'm sure i'll learn a _LOT_ from it, i've been working on it for 2-3 days and i've already learned so much...
btw, for all those windows sluts that thought i was going to run back crawling to w2k.
HAH ;)
i'd just like to say something though, if your not sure about what you want to do with programming, and like to just expirement with _EVEYTHING_ (compilers, parsing, languages, os dev (network layer for me ;), hacking, security, graphcs (Linux OpenGL is better/faster), etc..) linux is _way_ better

ps. if your site pops up a msg that says you should stop using netscape/mozilla/lynx and to upgrade to microsoft broswer.
YOU = LOSER; even as a joke.

2001-07-09 Well, unfortunatly i had to end up reinstalling mandrake 8 :-(
i went and talked to quite a few mandrake gurus'.. couldnt' help me
thanks to this not so bright guy i know in irc (psyk) who thought he knew what he was talking
so i wanted to test if the cmd line thing he called was safe, cause i was reading about it
turns out it isn't, it's not reccomended to mv directly to /dev/null.
you'r always supposed to pipe to it.
right now i'm in console mode making an update, i have a few things compiling, etc..
multi terminals rock. i really do hope angelfire's site is lynx compatable

bbtw, since i ended up blowing my glut lib dependencies today, and i haven't been able to build any of my programs.
and i've pretty much just been looking through the Mesa Demos.
i've come to the conclusion, that.
graphics are good and all, but when you talk about games.
graphics are always in the back seat. a game is usually never remebered for it's graphics
all of us cutting edge graphics developers just do a simple thing
we just delevie technology a few months ahead of people before it hits main stream
and with teh standardizine of hardware back ends, the gap between the cutting edge and the average developer is becoming
much smaller then it used to be.

2001-07-08 Linux 0wns.
i don't think i'm going to be going back to win32 any time soon.
and i got linked to a pretty cool modeling/level design tool over at
cool app if i say so my self
oh yeah, i also found out that provides a pretty good freeware book.
that saved me a lot of time searching on google :)
it's really amazing how things are so much more simpler in linux/unix
take sockets for example.
when your on linux, it really does feel like your coding simliar to FILE;
the way sockets where designed to be.
but in win32, your not totally in psynch with the design of the true socket interface (to be as similiar to FILE)
as possible.
well anyways, i must get back to rereading this pdf (i suggest you get it as well< Advanced Linux Programming>)
btw, does cl.exe with sp 4 in release mode unravel to fsin ?
i'm guessign i should use my own sin funtion for win32.?
gcc unravels it to use fsin if i build it with -O2

2001-07-04 Yes, i'm still in linux :-)
honestly, i prefer linux to vc6. I'm getting a lot better navigating around in vim
my desktop of choice is kde.
from my comparsion, kde is miles above/better then gnome
Konqueror by it self is a reason to switch from gnome to kde.
or in fact to just leave w2k entirely
konqueror has a built in pdf viewer which i find very useful, and the environment looks pretty nice
Konqueror also has built in support for man and info pages
just hit alt-f2, #manpage and it will come up
very nice :-) btw, got the obb support in a new engine i'm building.
going to write some code to create a simple obb tree.
anyways, better goto sleep.
btw, screenshot of my new desktop ;) linkage here
bbtw, i found out the girl i kind of like is a gold digger
lol, money is something i don't have ;)

2001-06-28 Almost had to reinstall mandrake 8 today. Was getting a linker error message from OpenGL programs.. Basically hardware accelration wasn't working, and we all know that graphics coding with hardware
accelaration is way to _slow. anyways, you might run into the same problem as i did so i wrote a up html page on how to solve the problem
linkage here

2001-06-27 still working in linux 24x7.
finally learned how to configure/build the kernel, right now i'm trying to enable the ethernet
between my laptop and main dev machine to work.
mainly so that i can send images to the laptop to crash.
i'm using nedit to update this page if anyone is wondering

amazingly enough i'm still running linux.
i'm looking for some good dev tools, i'm getting source navigator, and this kstudio another chance.
my current email app is sylpheed, pretty cool.
btw, if any of you know a good ane easy to use html editor where i can add css stuff in it.
please tell me.

2001-06-22 apparently i've been using linux a lot. heh. time is just flying bye.
had to run windows today though.
do some maya work, get some _actual_ work done.
it's like i'm trying to make my self _LIKE_ VI.
but vc6 is just so much better.
and i also know practically all the hot keys and my way around vc6 h elps a lot to.
and i don't have vi -gui compiled so that's a pain to. btw, wrote a super_assert just now btw.
the one from the system's journal is really platform dependent. i'll probably port this over tommorow super_assert.c
okay, me sleep,
7 am..
bbtw, if your wondeirng what's up with the funky placing of '\r'. well, i don't have a html editor installed
so i'm doing this by hand in a tiny angelfire box.
oh yeah, nearly forgot, i took a screenshot of my linux desktop..
linkage to my desk ;)

2001-06-15 well..
i've been hacking on linux a _shitload_.
every day till like 7 in the morning.
pretty cool stuff.
but. i can't seem to upload stuff from linxu to angelfire so i had to boot to windows to update some stuff on my site (got a fix to the modem problem <check out the bottom of  modem page..>).
but i'm getting a delayed write failed error everywhere.
really annoying so i'm going to reinstall w2k.

2001-06-11 got linux working.
what i ended up doing was just using my laptob's modem and wiring my workstation with ethernet to the labtop and using internet sharing..
worked out.
well back to playing and ******** ;)
apparently angelfire censors what you write, grrr;

2001-06-10 Well, i went out and bought linux mandrake release 8.0 yesterday.
but i seem to be having a problem.
maybe you can help me?

2001-06-09 Todays' the first day of me previewing this whole "news" feature for updates to my
i'll start it off with my thoughts on microsoft, linux and why software is like crack

I'm using EMACS >:| it makes very strange usage of the keyboard :|
i'm wondering if i should give emacs another try, been using vi
for about 2 weeks now and i still can't seem to like it ?