PRESTWICH, Lancashire (Gtr Manchester), ENGLAND

last updated May 2012




In 1524, a subsidy was made on the people of Prestwich towards the war with France which had been declared in 1522. Amongst those who contributed were Gilbert Langley, William Bradshaw, Henry Booth and Frawse Scolles.

In 1605 the inhabitants of Prestwich had to pay Michael Diggle 4s 4d monthly on behalf of James Turner whom Michael was to instruct in the mystery called 'taylercraft'.

In 1657 Philip Milln was given the job of removing the rushes from the 'rush cart' and spreading them on the church floor, and was paid 6s 8d for his work.

It was the custom from time to time to make collections throughout the Parish of Prestwich for charitable purpose. On September 15th, 1661, 15 shillings and 5 pence was collected towards the cost of sending John Haugh to university.

During the Commonwealth period fines were imposed for swearing and cursing. In 1655 the wife of George Hulton of Prestwich was fined 16s 8d for swearing and other misdemeanours.

In 1678 the people of Prestwich contributed the sum of 10 pounds 3 shillings to the rebuilding of St. Paul's Cathedral after the great fire of London. This included 5 pounds from William Heaton of Heaton Hall.

In 1722 the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of Prestwich bound Adam Glover to Joseph Mills, "to remain, abide and to dwell with the said Joseph Mills for seven whole years".

When the Poor Law of 1601 was passed it made the parish responsible for poor relief. The Act of Settlement of 1662 prevented strangers from settling in a parish unless they had sufficient money to ensure that they would never become a charge on the poor rate of their adopted parish.

During December 1723 a complaint was made by the churchwardens and the Overseers of the Poor of Prestwich, against James Smith, his wife Elizabeth and their two children, Joshua and Ann. They had come from Pilkington and attempted to settle in Prestwich. On the orders of the two Justices of the Peace who investigated the complaint they were "removed and conveyed out of Prestwich to Pilkington".

In 1723 Elizabeth Isherwood of Pilkington was delivered of an illegitimate child. The father, Richard Barns, was ordered to pay thirty shillings a year to the churchwardens towards the maintenance of the child who was named Mary. These payments were to continue until Mary reached the age of fourteen years, or was able to provide for herself.

In 1736 it was decided to appoint a 'bobber' for the parish. George Grimshaw of Rooden Lane was appointed and was paid thirteen shillings a year.

One of the casualties of the English Civil War was John Fletcher of Prestwich, who fought for Parliament. He was wounded, being shot through the left arm and right shoulder. Being disabled, he petitioned the court of Quarter Sessions at Manchester and asked the justices if they "would be pleased to consider his low condition and allow him some place and timber in Pilkington, where he may live with his wife and children". The court ordered that the churchwardens should provide him with a house.

A family of Yeoman rank living in Prestwich during the eighteenth century called Diggle held their land in lease from the Cokes of Norfolk (who owned much of the land in Prestwich). The will of Robert Diggle dated 1758 mentions other members of the family including "Elizabeth Diggle of Hardman Fold". It was from this family that 'Diggle Fold' received its name. The family lived here until the year 1810, their original house was of the half-timbered type.

In 1779 a regiment of volunteers was raised by Sir Thomas Egerton to fight in the American War of Independence. Such men as Jonathan Scott and Samuel Barlow who were both weavers decided to join the ranks as did William Walker and Joseph Partington, also of Prestwich.

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