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As you come to the Shadow Mist Tavern, to the Left before you reach the Tavern a large, beautiful building stands tall very appealing in craftmenship.

There's a sign above the door that say's "The Healers Inn". There's windows of painted glass, that shines during the day time when the sun hits them just right, and during the night time, the moon offer's the same amount of comfort and glow to the floor of inn.

The Healer's inn isnt a seprate Inn, its connected to the Shadow Mist Tavern, all are welcome to the Healer's inn to educate themselves if need be on the arts of healing and some healing spells. There's a wide range of fantastic healer's in-rolled in the Healer's Inn. For example the main healer is Isserex. He's taught so many alike to the arts of healing and contiunes to give his services to anyone at need, he has a kind heart and a steady hand. Another apprentice of Isserex, and a helping hand to Isserex is Shannara. She's learned so much from Isserex and contiunes to learn from him. The newist healer Lynx is also, a very advanced healer. All of us take time in learning all we can about healing.

There's an extended Library in the Inn, welcoming all to study from. As you enter the Inn, To your left you see a large area, this is the 'waiting' area were patrons of nerves can wait out the pressure's of a sick, or wounded friend. There's a long couch to provide a small resting area, and plenty of comforting chairs to accompany the couch. The large fire place provides top warmth during the winter times, and those extra chilling nights, when its nesscary. To the right you would see a long desk, Here is were patrons can book a 'host' room for the night if they need to, the cost is 2 Silver pieces, all the rooms are nice and big, a family of 5 can fit in one room. As you contiune to the right would be a stair well, and to the left of that, a hall way were all the rooms are. There's about 8 rooms and two beds can apply in one room. Straight ahead of all the rooms and down the hall way is a large office, were the healers gather together for meetings, and conference as well as study, and research.

As a patron would find themsevles to turn around the stairs are now to the left and the waiting room to the right. There's always a complmantery dish out near the waiting room for hungry visitor's. The kitchen also ofer's some nice dishes! If a patron wishes to order something to eat, then they may so choose to do so!

The inn provides comfort for all, and the healers try there very best to have full attention on the sick, weak or wounded. The patients are checked on reguarly! And the ut-most care is provided for each person.

There's no limit to whom we serve, but, if it be a theif, and stabbed for the purpose to slow him/her down, then services then can be deniyed. The Healer's Inn reserves the right to refuse services to anyone if they so choose.

Just outside the door's to the back, about 11 feet away, is a large dark grey building. The door reads 'personal only'. This must be the morge ((Hopefully wont be occupied)). There's a small cemetary as well, just incase an unfourtunate thing happens, and a life was unable to be save.

The healers inn is always looking for those to help, as nurses or fellow healers. If your interested in applying then You can e-mail Shannara or Isserex.