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2017 Show Season


Show Schedule for 2017
Shows are the second Saturday of each month, April through September.  In the event of a rainout, the show will be held on the third Saturday.

For banquet info

Click Here


May June July Aug Sept



Information Call: Suzette (314) 378-2241 *  Cindy (314) 337-5306 * Johnell (314) 578-1095
We may not have enough members / officers who will have time to work the gate at the show.  
As a result, when no one is at the gate, you will need to pay any required admission fees at Registration.

You will also need to take your Coggins test papers to registration with you.

In an effort to simplify and reduce the effort required to register multiple horses / equine partners for the upcoming Jefferson County Trail Riders (JCTR) show season, we have made changes to the Registration Form. This form eliminates duplicating information on multiple forms. You will be able to register up to eight (8) equine participants using a single form.
Since registration and registration fees are based on the registration of the horse / equine partner, the exhibitor names are not required on the registration form. Many horses are exhibited by multiple show participants. We will rely on the legibility and correctness of the information on the class sheets to identify the exhibitors.
It is important to note, the person completing and signing the form as the Responsible Owner / Delegate / Guardian, is considered the responsible party for the equine participants and their human partners. Instructions for the new class registration sheet are attached included with the registration form.

The Registration form has changed for 2017. The instructions for the new form are included with the Registration Form..
To print off a copy of our 2017 Registration Form, click here>>   Class Registration Sheet

To print off a copy of our 2017 show bill, click here>>  Show Bill


Last revised: 02/20/17