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In November 1937, a small number of executives from industrial firms throughout Scotland met in the Offices of Stewart & Lloyd Ltd, Glasgow. The purpose of the meeting was to hear about the Local Industrial Safety groups that had been formed in England with the object of discussing accidents at work and to find ways of preventing reoccurrence. The membership of these groups was then confined to subscribers to the national Safety First Association's Industrial safety service (now R.O.S.P.A.).

Since it was established, the Group has enjoyed the full co-operation and assistance of H.M. Factory Inspectorate, (now the Health and Safety Executive) and one of the senior inspectors has always accepted the group's invitation to serve as honorary Advisor, and regularly attends the monthly meetings of the Group where talks by experts on specific safety subjects are regular features.

In 1946, all local Groups became autonomous and self-supporting, with memberships available to all firms whether or not they were subscribers to R.O.S.P.A.'s industrial service.

In the early 50's the local safety groups expanded throughout Scotland and by 1964 there were 150 firms in the Glasgow group and 400 firms associated with Safety groups in Scotland.

The introduction of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 revolutionised industry's attitudes in line with the Glasgow group's aims promoted over the previous decades.

In 1986 the Lanarkshire group was incorporated into the group now known as Strathclyde Health & Safety Group which celebrated it's 50th Anniversary in 1987 at a civic reception hosted by Glasgow's Lord Provost.

In 2001 the Group name was changed to Safety, Health & Environmental Forum (Scotland).

The Health & Environmental Forum is the oldest employer’s health and Safety organisation in Scotland. It is non-profit making, self-supporting and affiliated to Ro.S.P.A., N.H.S.G.C. and the Scottish Chamber of Safety.

The objects of the forum are;

The Committee meets regularly to carry out the tasks set by the group as a whole.

The Forum represents a wide cross section of industry:

Micro Chip Industries
Regional & Local Authorities
New Towns
Government agencies
Manufacturing Industries

Membership is open to all employers in Scotland. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at Motherwell Bridge Headquarters Logans Road Motherwell, commencing at 2 p.m, Anyone who represents an employer is welcome to come along to group meetings to see for themselves the benefits available to member companies. Current membership is £60 per year, which allows several representatives from each company to attend meetings, seminars, workshops etc. Attendance at each meeting entitles those relevant persons to 1 CPD point.

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