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Hear Their Cries
Chapter 1: Pick us up at the Lost & Found

Slowly she emerged. Jada was of about 16 years. Her life was slowly deteriating. She was into smoking, rebelling, everything. You name it she did it. The only thing good in her life was her outlooks. Jada always had dreams; dreams of becoming famous. She loved music; particulary Hanson. The blond bubblegum pop band of cute teenage boys was coming to her home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for a concert tomorrow.

"Done so soon?" Her mother, Sidney asked. It wasn't like she cared what Jada did. Sidney was a single parent who had Jada, her only child, when she was still a kid. Fourteen to be precise. Jada's mom was a dancer and has been since she was 18. Jada pretty much made it through life on her on; no moral support, not much schoolwork help, and definatly not enough love. She was an exact reflection of her mom; a tramp. She knew no matter what she did, no matter how hard she tried, she would always be her mothers shadow; that was not a good thing. Jada walked up the stairs and fell asleep.

Beep, beep, beep. It was her alarm clock; 10:30 am. The concert started at 7:00 pm but she wanted to get there early just incase. She slapped her hand down on the snooze button but she knew she had to get up. She stood up wearily and stumbled down two flights of stairs to her bathroom.

She looked in the mirror and saw a reflection of a sixteen year old girl with tangled hair, bags under her eyes, and she appeared lonely. She turned on the shower water as hot as it would go, got her soap, towels, shampoo and conditioner and got in.

Jada was satisifed with her life so far. She always thought she was doing well for a girl that hardly ot any love from her mother. her, being mor than half the age of her mother made her stomach turn. She promised herself she would stay out of trouble and she basically was, except for her smoking. Jada didn't smoke often, only when she was nervous or mad. She was in no gang nor was she into drugs. Although she was a 'c' 'd' student she was smart when it case to common sense.

She turned the water to the shower off and wrapped a towel over her head and body. She opened the bathroom door up and ran up the cold, cement steps. Her mother was sitting in her recliner watching "The Price Is Right," while drinking her coffee. It was a Tuesday and she was supposed to be in school but her mom let her off. Noone knew she liked Hanson or she was going to their concert.

Jada walked up another flight of steps, these ones were carpeted, to her room. Inside consisted of a Master P poster, her bed, a closet, a cd player, a dresser, and a full length mirror. She made her bed, put on her deoderant and underwear. She pulled the green towel off her head. Jada grabbed her towel and brushed out all the knots. She opened up the bottom drawer of her dresser and pulled out a Revlon Volumizer hair dryer. She plopped down on the edge of her bed and blew her hair dry.

About seven minutes later her hair was completely dry. This time when she looked in the mirror she saw the reflection of a beautiful, teenage girl who had it all; she didn't. Her hair was misty blonde with some brown mixed in. Her eyes were the most majestic color of green ever, and her face was porcelin beige with not one blemish or scar. Jada had many boyfriends and was considered the most lovely, popular girl in her high school. She was missing something in her life. Maybe a father, passing grades; she was destined to find out.

Jada gave a faint smile exposing two perfect rows of perfect, white teeth. She got up and rummaged through her closet to find something cute to wear. After minutes of searching, and trying on she decided to wear her blue jean, semi-wide leg overalls, and a white tank top. She brushed her hair and threw it up in a ponytail and pulled the scrunchie through three times but the third time she only pulled it through halfway into a half bun. She put some foundation and forest green eyeshadow on.

She ran downstairs to get her purse and something to eat before she left. Her mom prepared grilled cheese and a dill pickle. Jada opened her refrigarator up and grabbed a bottle of water. She sat down at her oak table and ate in a hurry. She finsihed in three minutes flat and emerged from her chair. "Jada come here," her mother called from the living room. She walked in to where her mom was. "Hey, you have a good time and stay out of trouble you hear? Here's thirty dollars incase you wanna buy something." Her mom handed her a twenty and a ten. "Mom I don't need this. It's your money. Where did you get this?" Jada asked. "A vip came into the dancing bar and threw me a fifty. I'm giving you thirty and have fun! You can take my car instead of the bus. Bye sweetie," her mother said. Jada bent down and kissed her mom on the cheek.

She walked down the steps, her white purse clanking against her hip, and put on her white platforms. She picked up the silver keys to her mom's BMW. Jada always felt that kind of control and power when she drove her mom's car. The BMW was a gift from her grandparents to her mom, but they shared it. She put the key in the ignition and drove to the Starlake Ampitheatre.

After an hour of traffic, tons of stoplights, and many inconsiderate drivers she reached her destination. She showed the guy her ticket to get in even though the gates didn't open until 6pm she got there at one. The gaurd knew she must have been a big fan or she wouldn't be missing her education for three boys, so he let her in a little too early. She sat in the middle section about six rows from the stage and watched crew workers put up lights, check sound etc. After twenty minutes of watching she fell asleep on her shoulder.

"Testing 1, 2," she heard someone yell. It was none other than Taylor Hanson talking into his microphone. Her makeup was all messed up so she opened her purse and fixed it. She looked to die for. Jada was still the only person in the audience. Isaac and Zac were turned around looking at lights but Taylor was looking straight at her. He nudged Ike and Zac, whispered something to them and pointed at her. Then, all of them walked to their rooms.

It was now 3:30 pm and still no other people were in the audience but Jada. The sun was shining so she put her Calvin Klein sunglasses on. About fifteen minutes later zac approached her. "Hello," he welcomed. "I'm Zac," he introduced. "Hi," she smiled, "I'm Jada," she returned. "You must be a big fan to have been here so early," Zac said. "Yeah, I am. You know, you are really cute," she smiled. "Thanks. I always told Ike and Tay I was the more attractive one of the group. You're cute yourself." Both blushed. "Say, do you wanna come backstage? For the whole concert?" He asked with a glint of hope in his eye. "Of course," she smiled and took off her glasses.

Both of them walked up to the stage and went in to the back where Ike and Tay were. "Hi, I'm Jada," she stretched out her hand. Isaac elbowed Taylor and stretched out his hand. They shook. "I'm Isaac," he smiled. "Don't try to get up it's okay Taylor. I'm Jada." She shook his hand too. "I'm Taylor." Taylor shot Isaac a dirty look. "What made you come so early?" Isaac wandered. "Oh, just the fact that I love Hanson so much and I wanted to make a good impression. Plus I get to miss school," she laughed. Isaac just wouldn't stop staring at her. Jada felt like she had lipstick on her teeth or something.

"Is something wrong Isaac?" She asked. "huh? Me? I'm fine," he choked out. "Hey Jada," Zac whispered and motioned for her to bend down. "Ike likes you. He told us when he first saw you in the audience," he whispered. Jada looked at ike and giggled; she felt like she knew them since they were both sporting Pampers.

At 5:00 fans started pouring in. Every seat was filled including lawn seats. Jada was still talking to them. The fans outside were singing "Mmmbop" word perfect. "Where's Jada?" Isaac asked. Jada just stared at him confused, "I'm right here." "No Jada hon. He means his guitar. Ikey poohs names his guitar after girls he likes," Tay filled her in while on the ground laughing. "Shut up Taylor!" He yelled. Jada just sat there and laughed and blushed. "Well, you can chill here throughout the concert," Ike invited. "Okay," she answered. "We gotta get goin," Zac said. "Okay, bye. Good Luck. Oh and Ike," she paused. All three brothers turned around, "don't forget Jada," she reminded him. Tay and Zac started busting out laughing. All Jada could do was stare at Isaac and give him childish grins. "I won't," he promised. "Oh wait! My mom did this for me before I went on stage for ballet recitals," she stopped and kissed each one on the cheek. Isaac turned beet red. The ampitheatre shook as they got on stage. The screams grew louder and louder and louder....

The last song they played was "Where's the Love?" When Ike sang, "Pick us up at the lost and found," Jada laughed to herself and thought, That's where I am...the lost and found.

Copyright© 1998 by HaNsNSoLjR

Chapter 2 - That Look In Her Eye
Hear Their Cries Index

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