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Hear Their Cries

Hi! This is Ashley, creater of this story. I am in NO WAY related to Hanson, Mercury records, or Polygram. I do not know the temperatures of North Carolina or any specific places. Some (and probably is) of the info is wrong so don't gewt mad if it is! I am not the character! I am like Jada in a way but it woud be incrediably rude to model the character after me. Jada is like me TO AN EXTENT! Thanks for reading and please continue to read "Hear Their Cries."


Chapter 1: Pick us up at the Lost and Found

Chapter 2: That Look in Her Eye

Chapter 3: Maybe I'm Hallucinating, Hyperventilating

Chapter 4: When All Your Dreams May Have Seen Better Days

Chapter 5: Where Did He Go I Wanna Know

Chapter 6: There's A Lying In Your Silence

Chapter 7: You Can See Through But You Can't Get to the Inside

Chapter 8: You're on the Verge of Going Crazy and Your Heart's In Pain

Chapter 9: I'm Not Playing Around This Time

Chapter 10: It's Not Just Me...You Feel it Too

Chapter 11: You Wouldn't Believe Me if I Told You the Rest

Chapter 12: Even Though My Body's Gone, I'll be There to Comfort You At All Times


Copyright© 1998 by HaNsNSoLjR - Ashley

Send all comments to the author, Ashley, at