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Hear Their Cries
Chapter 2: That Look in Her Eye

They were over her house. Isaac, Taylor, and Zac loved Jada like their 4th sister. They loved it when she smiled, laughed, blushed, and talked to them. Jada knew how Isaac liked her but she wasn't ready to date someone so famous because she knew the consequences. Sure, she loved Isaac and his brothers every which way, but seeing that they were so popular and all, she didn't want to get in the way; with her mother she always seemed to get in the way.

"Thirsty?" she asked them. "Got milk?" Zac joked. She giggled and Ike hit him over the head with a pillow. "Do you have any Dr. Pepper?" Taylor questioned. "Uh...lemme check," Jada said as she walked into the kitchen. She searched around for any such drink, but she didn't find any. She knew she wouldn't. "No, sorry Tay we don't have any. Is water okay?" She yelled into the living room where they were playing Play station. "Yeah, sure," he replied.

Jada brought them their water bottles and some cups filled with ice. "Hey Jada," Zac called her. "Please call me Candy Necklace. All my friends do. I am always eating candy necklaces," she commented happily. "Oh ok, well um...Candy," Zac said. Ike cut in, "Do you wanna go for a walk? All four of us."
"Ok, let's go."


Jada laced up her shoes and Ike, Tay, and Zac were already outside. They were screaming and laughing so loud. * "Guys, watch your voice! My neighbors are either old, or pissy!* They will come out and start hollering! Don't worry about them though, they are goofy," Jada laughed. They did too. Taylor and Zac ran ahead of her and Ike. She didn't know if they were doing that purposely for them to be alone or for fun.

Taylor and Zac were out of site in 30 seconds. Her and Isaac walked along the paved street for five minutes without saying a word. Breaking the silence, Jada pulled a candy necklace off her neck and started nibbling on it. He could hear her crunching and laughed to himself. She looked straight at him and offered him some, "Do you want any? If you want one, eat the yellow ones. They taste like summer." He took the candy as a sign of gratitude and carefully ate a yellow one. "They do taste like summer," he smiled. Not to mention the fact that this was only May, not summer yet.

"Jada can I ask you something?" "Sure anything." She could have regret saying 'sure so quickly. Jada kissed many boys, and even more than kissed them, but she felt a queezieness, like butterflies in her stomach. She felt it coming. She knew he was asking her out. What was she gonna say? What was she gonna do? How was she going to react? " do I say this. I know I just met you, and that I don't know you so well, even though I felt like I've known you since we were born. But," he paused. She was looking right at him waiting for him to pop the question. "Will you babysit Jess, Avie, and Mackie tonight? Sorry it's such short notice. It's just that you are the only person in Pittsburgh we know. What do you say?" Jada felt a relife. Even though she liked Isaac with her whole heart she was more nervous than ever. When she looked at him the evening sun was shining right behind him and it looked like a golden halo. "Yeah, sure I will babysit for you," she stated. "Great," he responded.

For two more walks around the block they said nothing except for when someone cleared their throat, or "bless you" when either one of them sneezed. There was no sign of Zac or Taylor but Isaac knew better than to go searching around for them. For all he knew they would probably be hiding a car or something trying to scare Ike and Jada.

"Hey Ike," Jada said. "Yeah," he replied. "Have you ever been kissed?" She asked firmly and honestly. "When I was little, like six. That doesn't count though," he stated while looking straight ahead. All she could see was the side of his face and the sun shining next to it. "Why?" He wandered, his lazy eye squinting and light reflecting off of his braces. "You?" He asked. "Yeah. Many times. Even by people I hated," she sighed. "They both stopped dead in their tracks and looked straight at each other. Their heads moved in closer. Both their eyes were closed and they were moving in closer to each other's lips. Very quietly, they kissed about a ten second kiss but it seemed like hours, 1,440 hours, to Jada. This was her first real kiss from someone she actually liked. All of her other kisses she was paid or forced to do.

They finally emerged from their kiss and stared at each other. "Well, now you've been kissed," she joked. He laughed and stared at her. "Yeah Ike!" He heard someone yell. It was Taylor. Him and Zac had witnessed the whole thing. "Whoo, Chewy I never knew you had it in ya!" Zac laughed. "Not only that Ike but," Taylor paused and pulled a picture from his pocket, "we got this on proof! Wouldn't it be funny to post this on our website," he laughed. "They day you post that is they day you die!" Jada screamed. This was a side neither of the brothers saw before in anyone. Their eyes grew confused, and amazed as they stared at her. "Why the hell are you always staring at me! What, haven't you seen a girl before? God, you are always such babies! I kiss your brother and you freak out! Damn, it's like you are too goody to watch your brother kiss someone! Grow up!" She hollered and ran back to her house.

Tay and Zac walked down streets, and up hills getting lost. Ike just sat on the street and he hadn't budged. He just sat there and was caught somewhere in between dreams and reality; he wasn't sure which. He though the world of Jada, and he loved her but he hated tempers on people. He hated them until he discovered his own.

After exactly one hour and twenty-six minutes he got up and walked back to her house. It was merely six o'clock. He crept around back and saw her sitting on a bench crying. Isaac ran over to where she was and sat next to her. "You alright?" He asked. She looked up at him with watery, green eyes. "I don't know. I cried so much I can't think. I am so sorry! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," she cried into his shoulder. "'s okay. I understand," he soothed. "You do?" "Of course," he smiled. She smiled back, curled up into a ball on his lap, and fell asleep.

Shortly after Jada fell asleep her mother came home. She picked up the clothes in the washer and went to go hang them up on the clothesline outside. As she was doing so she saw Jada sleeping on Isaac's lap. He looked up and smiled at her and she returned the smile. "So you are the legendary Isaac Hanson. I'm Sidney Jada's mother," she introduced. He nodded. "Yes, I am Isaac Hanson ma'am. Your daughter is quite something. She is like no other girl on this earth. I'm so glad I met her," Ike stated. "She is something. You know, she puts up with a lot. There hasn't been a day go by when I haven't though about all the trouble she could be in. She's a good kid," she said quietly.

Half an hour after Jada's mother came out Jada woke up. "Hi," she smiled. "Have you been out here since I fell asleep?" She asked. "Yep," he answered. "Thanks. Where's Taylor and Zac?"
"I don't know."
"Should we got look for them?"
"Nah, knowing them they're probably hiding out somewhere or looking for trouble," he laughed.

"Ike, why'd you sit out here with me for two hours in the ninety degree heat? You could have went inside," she yawned. She looked at him with that look in her eye; that sad, alone, empty look. "I wanted to be out here with you," he looked at her. She got up and sat next to him. "You know something, all I ever wanted to do was to be normal. I never asked to look like this or to be like I am," she trembled. "You are beauiful, and you should be happy for that," he soothed. Her eyes got glassy as she spoke quietly, and choked up, "Beautiful. That's what this world is isn't it? How well you look; sex appeal towards others. That's my problem. I am pretty but I don't think so. How would you like to be forced into a relationship with people who's last names you don't know? I'm so sick of being so popular, and so beautiful. I am empty inside. I am empty...." and her voice trailed off.


Diana, Walker and the rest of the gaggle of Hanson's pulled into her house. It was eight-thirty and the Hanson's had to be at a dinner party at nine. "I really hope this is not too much trouble for you sweetie. There is four of them but they should be no trouble," Diana winked. "Ike, where's your brothers?" Walker asked firmly. "I don't know dad," he answered. "I'll go yell for them outside," Jada offered. Walker nodded. "Zac! Taylor!" She yelled. No responce. "Hey Taylor!" She tried again. "Coming," she heard a faint yell. Within five minutes a dirty, Taylor and Zac Hanson were standing in her living room.

"Oh dear lord look at you two! You are supposed to be ready!" Diana spoke. "Is it okay if they use you bathroom honey?" Diana looked at Jada. "Sure," she responded. Zoe was in Diana's arms crying, Mackenzie and Avery were running around the house, Isaac was upstairs changing, Walker and Diana were talking to each other, Zac and Taylor were running up the steps leaving traces of dirt and Jessica was talking to Jada.

Jess tugged on Jada's shirt and Jada looked down. "Why do you like my brothers? They're so annoying," she squealed. "Oh, someday when you're older you'll understand why. Do you still think boys have cooties?" Jada laughed. Jessica gave a cute nod while giggling. "Jordan Taylor, Zachary Walker and Clarke Isaac get your butts down here now!" Walker bellowed. "Mr. and Mrs. Hanson is there anything I can get you to drink?" Sidney offered. "Oh no thank you. We'll be fine. Thank you for allowing our children to stay here for the night. It means so much to us," Diana smiled. "Oh it's nothing. I always wanted another child. The more the merrier," Sidney said. Suddenly, Isaac, Taylor, and Zac came running down the stpes clean, and gorgeous. "You guys look awesome!" Jada commented. Their hair was brushed golden and in place, and their suits looked radiant. Diana and Walker also looked very handsome. "We must be going now thank you so much Jada and Mrs," Diana paused. "Miss Collins. I was never married," she looked quietly at the floor. "Thank you," Diana smiled. They left for their van and was off to downtown Pittsburgh.

Copyright 1998 by HaNsNSoLjR

Chapter 3: Maybe I'm Hallucinating, Hyperventilating
Chapter 1: Pick us up at the Lost and Found
Hear Their Cries Index

Send all comments to the author, Ashley, at