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Hear Their Cries
Chapter 10: It's Not Just Me...You Feel it Too

He stood there pacing back and forth in front of Walker waiting for the doctor's result. "Isaac if you don't quit pacing you're gonna put holes in the floor," he said. Isaac ignored him and kept going with his head in his hands. Finally, after about one hour Dr. Busch came out. Isaac looked up and ran over to him. "Well? How is she? How's my girl?" Isaac asked frantically. "Well, Isaac, it was a close call but she is a very strong girl and she managed to survive. She's very lucky," he smiled. "Well, what room is she in?" Isaac demanded. "Room 930, but, you have to be taken to x-ray because we need to run test on you. We plan on keeping you overnight to run more tests, and then depending on your condition you either stay with us or we let you go," he explained. Isaac mumbled something under his breath and walked down to x-ray with his father.

"Well Ike take this hospital gown and put in on over there," the female x- rayist said. Isaac blushed like mad when he got out of that room because you could see his butt on the other side of the gown. "Okay stand over there and don't move," she instructed. He did and she took a hundred pictures, or that's what it felt like to him.

Him and his father waited patiently out in the hallway for his results. About twenty minutes later a young candy striper approached Isaac. He let a little grin cross his face, but he shrugged it off. "Isaac Hanson?" She asked. He nodded and she flipped through some files. "Well it seems as though you have broken three toes, a sprained wrist, and a very minor head injury but the only effects of that are headaches for the next few months, nothing more," she explained. "How's Jada?" He rushed into that can of worms. "Jada Collins room 930?" she questioned. He nodded and she searched through files. "I'm not sure what the paramedics or anyone else told you but she has broken two ribs, she broke her left leg, her collarbone is fractured, she has a mild concussion and a mild head injury, and her spine needs re- aligned. She's in surgery right now for both head injury's and immediatly following this surgery she'll be going to another operating room for her spine," she explained. "I need to ask you a question Mr. Hanson," she looked at Walker. "Yes?" "Well, we need to know what insurance both Isaac and Jada are covered under." "Isaac has Select Blue but I don't think Jada has any. Under any circumstances, I am willing to pay for her recovery," Walker firmly stated. Isaac smiled proudly at his dad. "Well, Mr. Hanson, this may cost over $25,000." She sighed. "I said at any cost," he repeated. "Very well. Isaac we want to keep you overnight, just to run more tests. You can see Jada later but for now go to room 108," she instructed. Isaac and his father took the elevator up to the second floor.


Isaac plopped down on his hospital bed and stared at the ceiling. Walker walked in and sat in the chair next to Isaac. "You know Ike, you really shouldn't be walking on your feet," Walker said. "I know, but I don't have a wheelchair. Anyways, I'd feel like an old man in one," he laughed. Walker snickered and picked up his cell. "Hi Tay, look me and Ike are at the hospital, you can come up and see him. Jada? Oh, she's in surgery, look we'll talk about her later. Come to room 108 ok? Okay, bye." He hung up. Isaac looked at him giving him the 'what did he say' stare. "Tay and Zac and your mother will be up shortly," he said. Isaac sighed and turned on the tv.

Walker had left to go get a coffee and a sandwich at the cafeteria. Just then an older woman came in to Isaac's room. "Hello young man. Are you that Hanson boy?" She asked while bringing in his lunch. "Yes," he mumbled. "Oh, my grandaughters are crazy about your band. But they're younger, only 11. They love the little short one," she smiled. He laughed a little while she placed the food on a tray. "You know, a doctor will be in with you shortly to check up on you, meanwhile you should be under those covers relaxing," she snickered. "What is this food?" He made a face at it. "God knows. I think the white stuff is macaroni salad, and that green blob is jello but I'm not sure about that brown stuff," she smiled. He took his fork and picked at it. "Well, see ya later to get your tray," she said walking out the door. About a minute later Dr. Busch walked in with Isaac's reports. "Isaac you were told about your conditions were you not?" He said not looking up from his papers. "Yes sir," he replied. "You need to take a wheelchair down to casting to get little casts on your toes and then you need your wrist wrapped. Oh, that means no guitar playing for at least six weeks," he told him. "Six weeks?!" Isaac exclaimed. "But sir I am in a band! I have to play! Don't you understand?" He practically yelled. "No playing for six weeks," he responded. Dr. Busch left and a nurse wheeled him down to casting.


"Hey there Ike," a female nurse said. "I'm a big fan of you and your brothers," she smiled up at him. She was about twenty with blonde, shoulder length hair and brown eyes. She wasn't the prettiest, but she seemed nice. "Oh yeah? Well, now I can't play for six weeks because of my stupid wrist," he sighed. "Oh that's too bad. Look on the bright side, a six week break! Six more weeks you can spend with Jada," she smiled. "How do you know about Jada?" He asked. "C'mon Isaac! The whole world knows!" She said as she was wrapping up his right wrist. She started to take off his shoes, very gently and wrap his toes up in cast material. He only had an Ace bandage on his wrist. "Well cowboy, you're all set!" she smiled. "Thanks," he replied. "Nah, it's my job! Good luck with Jada!" She smiled as a nurse wheeled him out and up to his room.


Jada lay awake in her room wondering where the heck she was. An African- American nurse came into her room. "Hello Miss Jada, how are you?" She smiled brightly. "Um, I would like to know where the heck I am," she whined. "Oh, you're in North Carolina Regional hospital. Remember?" Jada thought back and remembered everything that happened, up until she got knocked out. "Where's Isaac?" She whimpered. "Isaac is up in room 108, he's fine though! But you young lady have to go into surgery in about five minutes," she explained. "Surgery? What's wrong with me?" She examined the nurse. "Well Jada, you were just in surgery for your head injuries, everything went smooth, now you have to go for your spine re- alignment she said. Jada's heart sank when she heard this. "Is Isaac ok?" She wondered. "Isaac is fine with only a sprained wrist and a few broken toes. You in addition to all of this have a broken leg, two broken ribs, and if that wasn't enough a fractured collarbone." Jada's eyes filled up with tears as she cried out to the nurse, "Am I gonna die?" "Now Jada let's not say things like that yet, let time take it's course." Jada felt tears rush down her face. "I am going to leave you now. I will be assisting you in surgery though," she squeezed Jada's hand. Jada waved a little only the wave hurt her hand.


Taylor and Zac walked into Isaac's room. "Hey Ike!" Zac exclaimed running to Ike. He had just got settled in his bed and Zac messed up his covers. "Aww, Zac! The nurse tucked me in all nice and pretty!" He laughed. "Hi Isaac," Taylor smiled. "Hey Tay, taking care of mom? I thought she'd flip over all this!" He snickered. "You don't know the half of it!" Taylor rolled his eyes. "Hey Zac, can you excuse us for a minute?" Isaac asked. "Sure buddy," Zac said, leaving the room. Isaac looked over at his night stand and pulled his little velvet box over. "Taylor, you need to do this quickly, take this neckalce to Raleigh Mall and go to Littman's Jewlers and have them mount this diamond into a size seven gold ring understand?" Isaac instructed. "Yeah but why Ike-" Tay smiled. "Oh little Ikey poohs is proposing to Jada?" Taylor smiled. Isaac gave Taylor the 'you little snot' look and smiled. "Go Isaac!" Taylor yelled. "I am on my way now, Master! I will be back shortly," Taylor said and ran out of the room.

Walker returned to Isaac's room, along with Zac. "Isaac, I saw a crew of doctors wheel Jada into surgery," he said. Isaac just shook his head and looked at his nasty food. "Isaac, we'll leave you alone if you want," Walker suggested. Isaac nodded. "We'll come back later tonight," Zac said. "C-ya guys," Isaac waved.

It was 5:00 and Jada was still in the operating room. Isaac had been watching kid's shows all day; there was nothing else on. Oh God I am bored out of my mind. He thought. He turned off the tv and went to take a nap. He had a terrible dream, that he couldn't get to Jada. "Isaac! Isaac! " she screamed. "Jada!" He yelled back. Every step she took, Kalie was back behind her hitting her with a baseball bat. "Jada! No!" He screamed and jumped to save her. It was too late. She had fell into a firey pit. Kalie stood there laughing as she ran for Isaac. "Isaac? Isaac?" A nurse asked him. He shot up from his bed, sweat dripping from his face. "Where is she?" He asked her. "Who? Jada? She just go out of surgery ten minutes ago. You can go see her soon," she smiled. He took a towel from his night stand and wiped off his face. "I just come to give you dinner," she smiled and set a plate of what looked like meatloaf and mashed potatoes in front of him. "Thanks," he said playing with his food.


She couldn't feel anything. After being shot with an anastesia about ten times, who could? She looked at the gross food the nurse left her; meatloaf. She hate meatloaf. Jada put the tray back on the table and turned on her television. "Are you unhappy with the shape of your body?" Click. "Barney is a dinosaur-" Click. "I'll get you, you son of a-" Click. "Mmmbop ba du ba dop ba du bop-" Click. She clicked about fifty more times before realizing she clicked away from Mmmbop. She shrugged it off, for she heard that song a million times.

Jada was bored out of her mind. She remembered Isaac. She picked up her phone and punched in 108. "C'mon Isaac pick it up," she said out loud to nobody imparticular. "Hello?" He said wearily into the reciever. "Hi Isaac!" She exclaimed. "Jada? Hey! Oh God I miss you so much!" He said. "You have no idea how bad I miss you!" She almost cried. "How do you feel?" He asked. "Like shit," she responded. He started laughing. "Shut up, I'd like to see you in my position," she said, laughing a little bit too. "Oh God, I'm sorry. It's kinda funny you know," he laughed. "Funny? Yeah, it's funny cuz you got the hell beat out of you and I'm the one who got it worse and I didn't even do jack," she stated. "I hope you didn't do jack," he laughed. "Isaac you're so perverted," she laughed. "I'll be down to your room in a minute after I get rid of this dog food dinner they expect me to eat," he said. "Okay, I won't be going anywhere," she laughed. "Bye." "Bye."

Within minutes Isaac was on her floor, wheeling down the hall looking for room 930. Meanwhile, Jada got a nurse to buy her so Ben and Jerry's Strawberry Ice Cream. She was scarfing it down like there was no tomorrow. Just then Isaac wheeled in watching her eat that ice cream. She looked up at him and stuffed the ice cream pint under her sheets. "Too late babe, you've been caught," he smiled and walked over to the chair next to her bed. "What happened to you?" She asked looking at him. "I got me a sprained wrist, and three broken toes. I'm not supposed to walk but I did," he said giving her a puppy dog face. "Aren't you a bad boy, walked over to this chair! Oh God call the cops we've got ourselves a real rebellious one," she laughed. Jada pulled out the Ben and Jerry's and offered some to Isaac.

"Want some?" She said holding up the spoon. "Yeah sure, anything's better than that dog food they serve here," he said while scooping out the ice cream. "Hey Ike, if we would have kids what would their names be?" She asked while flicking the strawberry goodness at him. "I don't know, when the time comes we can pick," he smiled wiping the the ice cream from his eye. "I am not making it out of this hospital, Ike. You know that. You're gonna go on and tour without me. You're going to go on and live your life, and you're not going to worry about me no more. I won't be there to bother you about going to the mall, I won't nag about the loudness of the crowds, I just won't be there. I won't be at your wedding, I won't be there when Zoe turns one, but you will. Take my place Isaac," she said firmly.

"No Jada, you will make it to all those things, and more. I am not going to let you die, nothing is going to happen to you Jada. Do you understand me? I won't let it! I promise-" he was cut off because Jada pressed her lips against his. It hurt her very bad but she couldn't stand to be away from him any longer. He put his arms around her back trying very hard not to hurt her. "I'm down, but not out," she said pulling away from him. He hugged her like he'd never let go, she did the same. "Isaac." "Yes Jada?" "I love you." "I love you too Jada. You'll always be my girl."

They stayed like that for hours, each caught up in their own thought. Even though she had just undergone three surgeries, she still smelled good, like her Fetish perfume. She twirled her fingers around in his hair and played with it. A nurse was standing there, watching them, for only a couple of minutes. "Kids, I hate to bother you but visiting hours are over. It's 9:15. Time to go," she said. Isaac and Jada let go of their grip on each other. They kissed one last time before signing out for the night. This had been one hell of a day for them.

Isaac as wheeled up to his room where he stayed the remainder of the night. His parents hadn't visited him like they said they would but he didn't care. He got all he wanted out of this day; Jada. She wasn't in mint condition but hey, it worked for him. He closed his eyes and immediatly fell asleep.


She sat there and looked at the ceiling. It was 1:30 am and she was still awake. She thought of everything that a person could think of. She thought of her mother, the Hansons, the nurse who bought her Ben and Jerry's, all of her fans, and everyone she's hurt along the way. She didn't know what happened to Kalie and Joseph, to tell you the truth she didn't want to know. All she knew was that, she was aching really bad, and nothing could heal her pain.

Jada clicked on the television, searching for Jerry Springer. He wouldn't be on because it was Saturday. She finally watched a Talk Soup re-run for about twenty minutes before falling asleep.

She opened her eyes and yawned very loudly. She tried to sit up but winced at the pain. She laid back down in her bed and looked at the clock; 9:23 am. Jada picked up a pen and notebook from inside her nightstand and began to write.


Isaac was so mad at himself, he had over slept. It was 9:30 and he expected to wake up at nine to go visit Jada. "Good morning Isaac," Dr. Busch said as he walked in. "All test were done and you are perfectly capable of leaving the hospital," he explained. Diana and the rest of the Hanson's all walked in. Mackenzie, and Avery ran to Isaac and hugged him. Taylor and Zac stood next to him. "Mackie and Avie get down," Walker commanded. Diana ran to Isaac and threw her arms around him. "Isaac we've missed you so much! I love you Isaac!" She cried into his shoulder. "I love you too mom," he said. She let go and wiped out her eyes. "Here's your clothes Isaac, you can change into those, and we got you crutches. We hope you're arm i okay to use them," she said. They all left leaving Isaac alone to change, all but Taylor. He slid the box next to Isaac's hand and winked at him. Isaac smiled back, and changed.

He went down to her room as quickly as possible, she wasn't there. He took those crutches to their maximum speed to get to that receptionst's desk. "Where is she? Where is Jada?" He yelled at her. "Mr. Hanson calm down, she was moved into a step higher than serious condition, Isaac she is near death," she said directly into his eyes. "Room 1238." And he darted up to see her.

Copyright© 1998 by HaNsNSoLjR

Chapter 11: You Wouldn't Believe Me if I Told You the Rest
Chapter 9: I'm Not Playing Around this Time
Hear Their Cries Index

Send all comments to the author, Ashley, at